Your Weekly Tarotoscope for September 9th – 15th, 2024

weekly tarotscope september 5

If you haven’t been feeling a positive vibe in the air in a hot minute, you may experience a change in that weather this week! Mercury, planet of thought and communication, enters its home turf of Virgo on the 9th, allowing us to embrace an eye for detail and meticulous planning.

Plus, with a First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius happening on the 11th, we overall are getting a burst of momentum this week that lends itself well to productivity and uplifting vibes.

Of course, this can manifest differently from person to person, and how an energy matches our vibe depends on our unique personalities and circumstances. This is why we also check in with the Tarot to hone in more closely on what’s in store for us!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 9 – 15, 2024


Queen of Wands

Aries is getting a moment to breathe this week, finally embracing their own inner power and confidence.

The Queen of Wands shows you finding a zest for life, embodying the bold and brave leadership-capable presence that we all love and know you for.

This is a great time for pursuing your passions bravely, speaking up and proudly, and taking the lead on anything that you feel is important to you.

Most importantly, be yourself, Aries! That’s what this is all about.


7 of Cups (Reversed)

Taurus needs to shake off any indecision and emotional fog.

The 7 of Cups is a frustrating state of illusions, confusion, and emotional frustration. It’s hard to know what feels right or what you really even want, and life suddenly seems so much more unclear.

Reversed, you’re called to put this aside for now and focus on what’s real and right in front of you.

You may not have all of the answers right now, but life isn’t going to sit and wait for you to find them. Embrace the unknown… and embrace the present.


The Magician

Gemini has a strong week of productivity and creativity ahead… if you so choose.

The Magician spotlights your creative, entrepreneurial spirit. This is an ideal time for pursuing any new ideas and projects you’ve had up your sleeve but haven’t had time to properly execute.

It’s also a good time for having interesting, engaging conversations, and keeping a listening ear out for inspiration from others.

In other words, this is peak time for inspiration in general! Open your heart up to being inspired.



Cancer, the time for balance is in order, and it’s up to you to restore it.

With Justice up your sleeve, this week is an essential time for balanced perspectives and pursuits, keeping a well-rounded approach in all that you do, and seeing all sides of a situation.

You also have to be willing to trust your own inner compass here — you know what’s up, but you have to listen to your inner voice.

With a levelheaded and confident spirit, you can find the answers and make the plans that will launch you into success this week.


2 of Cups (Reversed)

Leo may be struggling to find the harmony and love that they seek right now.

With the 2 of Cups reversed, your attempts at deepening connections with others may feel faulty and disjointed this week.

The feeling of disconnect and loneliness can be frustrating and isolating, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find love at all.

Don’t try to force what isn’t fitting, but also remember that patience and self-love can be temporary remedies that ease the tension in the meantime.


Ace of Cups (Reversed)

Virgo has been wrestling with a theme of self-love for a while now, and this week only continues the trend.

Especially with the Ace of Cups reversed, you may be feeling that your metaphorical cup has been particularly empty lately.

In other words, it’s tiring to have to constantly be the only one that’s truly there for yourself and emotionally draining to feel alone in everything that you do.

This week may not be much of a change of pace, but you’re called to remember that your biggest ally will always be yourself. As hard as it may be for now, taking the time to take care of yourself and practice self-care is essential.


6 of Cups

Libra, memory is a powerful thing, and it may hold the answers that you seek.

The 6 of Cups is the “nostalgia card,” a sign from the deck that this week may be heavily entrenched in energy of the past.

For some, you may find yourself literally reconnecting with people, places, and events that are more than familiar. For others, this card is about utilizing old solutions and lessons for present-day situations.

You may not need to invent or find anything “new.” Perhaps you have already seen or experienced what you seek… but now in a different way.


The World (Reversed)

Scorpio is experiencing an odd, uncomfortable feeling of incompleteness.

The World reversed is a frustrating sight, as it indicates that you feel that you’ve come so far but haven’t quite hit the mark on what you’re aiming for.

You may feel inexplicably lacking as if something is missing from your life, but you’re just not sure what.

Use this time to reflect and be honest about your true desires, Scorpio. Feeling “complete” and aligned with the Universe may be more than what you could have planned out for yourself on paper.


9 of Wands

Sagittarius, let’s pause and take a beat.

The 9 of Wands asks you to pause, slow down, and re-evaluate your circumstances. Not everything may be as it seems.

This isn’t intended in a scary or alarming way — the 9 of Wands simply comes through to show you that some healthy observation and pause can do you good before you proceed too hastily.

In other words: there is no rush. Take your time, Sagittarius.


5 of Swords (Reversed)

Capricorn, chaos is afoot, but you’re not interested in playing games.

The 5 of Swords can be a complicated whirlwind of mindgames, conflict, and social turmoil. You’re just saying “no” to the drama with this card sitting in reversed position.

However, no matter how strong your boundaries are, the heat can still get to you even if you try not to participate.

This week, you may just need extra time to cleanse and recalibrate when you come home after a long day. Grant yourself that time and space.


4 of Swords

Aquarius, prepare to rest up and stay in.

The 4 of Swords calls you into a time of rest, replenishment, and rejuvenation, like it or not.

You may feel an urge to “go, go, go,” but this card kindly signals that you may stumble and fall if you try to do too much all at once right now.

Slow down… or the Universe will slow you down in its own way.


4 of Wands

Pisces, this week is all about light, love, and the relationships that matter most.

The 4 of Wands brings celebration, joy, and friendship into the forefront of everything.

Now is a time for having fun, spending time with those close to you, and celebrating every little victory (whether it is yours or someone else’s).

Make time for the lighthearted whimsy and zest for life that this card is trying to bring to you, Pisces. Open your heart to the sunlight!

Your Guide to This Week’s Energy

Congratulations! With your Tarot card in mind, you are officially one step closer to approaching your week with a prepared mind, body, and spirit.

There are other steps you can take, however.

Looking into the vibe of the upcoming week beyond the personal and knowing what astrological landscape lies ahead can help you work through everything that comes forward (and not just your personal affairs!). Here’s where we recommend starting:

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About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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