Your Weekly Tarotscope for October 14th – 20th, 2024

weekly tarotscope october 14

Right now, your focus should be found through the biggest lens you can find.

Ever seen a week built like a sandwich — jam-packed in the middle and full of spice in that center? That’s what to look out for this week!

With a Full Moon in Aries on the 17th, plus Venus moving into Sagittarius on the exact same day, the Fiery energy is off the charts and demanding to be seen and felt fully.

Now is a time for action, passion, and creative momentum. It’s not the time for sulking or balking in your tracks. Be brave, be bold, and be you!

Of course, what is most authentic to you will vary from person to person. That’s why we consult the Tarot to hone in on the guidance that’s more right for you.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 14 – 20, 2024


7 of Swords

Aries, trickery is afoot. Are you ready to be the bigger person?

With the 7 of Swords in play, honesty is not the name of the game. People may be concealing truths, outright lying, or coming forward with mischievous, backhanded intentions.

While it’s important to adapt and remain flexible, you’re not exactly called to succumb to this standard. You’ll need to be self-protective but also true to yourself.

How will you mentally prepare yourself to hold onto your truest intentions? Now is the time to tap into them and hold them close.


Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Taurus may hope for a fresh start, but it’s not quite here yet.

The Ace of Pentacles reversed unfortunately slows down the possibility for new opportunities in the realm of finances, career, and the home.

You may actually get stopped and blocked in any attempt to initiate new plans here and get burnt out more easily, even if you do make progress.

When the Universe slows you down, it’s important not to go against the grain. The time for opportunity and prosperity will come, Taurus. It just isn’t now.


Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Trusting the luck of the draw is a lot harder when you feel like the game is rigged against you.

Gemini knows this feeling all too well, as this week, the Wheel of Fortune reversed makes you feel disconnected from good fortune and uncertain about your fate.

This time of anxious confusion and spiritual fogginess can be difficult to wade through, but like all phases in life… it, too, will pass.

When you feel like you can’t trust the Universe, at least try to trust yourself.


10 of Cups

Cancer, the big picture, is what’s worth fighting for. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

This week, the 10 of Cups calls you in to focus on long-term happiness, full-scale contentment, and true intuitive harmony.

What genuinely brings you peace? What are your true values? What people and relationships matter most to you? These are the themes coming into focus for the week ahead.

You’re closer to this than you realize, but you’ll need to let your attitude shift in that direction first, too.


The Empress

Leo, abundance, beauty, and love are all on the table for you if you’re willing to accept it!

The Empress is a powerfully abundant card that casts a light, beautiful energy over your week ahead.

This card is all about fostering creativity, connecting with your intuition, spreading love and joy, and planting seeds of success while being willing to rest and enjoy what currently exists.

Hold onto this wondrous spirit this week as you head into its busy energy!


7 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Virgo, you’re headed into procrastination station… and it’s not going to be easy to leave.

The 7 of Pentacles reversed points to overthinking and overplanning. Yes, it’s important to be prepared, but at a certain point, there’s only so much you can do!

Are you truly sitting and contemplating because you think it’s the most productive course of action right now?

Or are you anxiously overpreparing to avoid actually making the necessary steps forward?


4 of Wands (Reversed)

Libra is usually known for its social butterfly spirit. This week is an exception.

The 4 of Wands reversed notes that right now, your core relationships, friendships, and the general feeling of love and unity may feel farther away.

Disharmony is a tempting problem for Libras to try to immediately solve, but there are some times in our lives where stepping away and letting the fog pass may actually be the best course of action.

Keep this in mind, Libra, as there may be only so much that you can do to keep the peace.


King of Cups (Reversed)

Scorpio has a reputation for being broody, moody, and spiritually intense from time to time.

This week, the King of Cups reversed highlights those exact tendencies.

You may feel more emotionally tense, stuck in your feelings, or uncertain about how to actually handle any of the emotionally-afflicted situations in your life right now.

It’s tempting to try to “solve” this all on your own. Take some deep breaths, meditate, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Isolating and stewing is not the answer, Scorpio.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Sagittarius, your wild philosopher tendencies are some of the most fun zodiac traits we all get the pleasure of witnessing.

However, there is such a thing as too much questioning and thinking.

The Hermit reversed asks you to step outside of your own head this week as you may get stuck on the cycle of pondering and questioning if you’re not too careful.

Some things are best left up to the unknown. And who knows… letting go and living your life may reveal more answers than thinking about them.


3 of Wands (Reversed)

Capricorn seeks progress and momentum, but it’s just not coming easily.

The 3 of Wands reversed suggests that roadblocks are actually what’s coming easily, unfortunately.

It may feel like you had all of these great ideas and wonderful initial progress, and suddenly, the stage where you wait to see what happens next has lasted a lifetime.

It’s hard to stay optimistic when nothing seems to be paying off, but you’re still called to be patient and positive.


Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Aquarius is still facing slow, stagnant, and unproductive energy this week.

It’s a frustrating recurrence to feel stuck in your tracks, slow in your progress, and bored with the work at hand.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed expresses this frustration and also acknowledges that your current responsibilities feel more ahead of you than you do of them.

Rest often, breathe deeply, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sharing the workload with others may seem less than ideal, but burning yourself out isn’t a superior option.


The Fool (Reversed)

Pisces once again has The Fool up their sleeve for a second week in a row… but it looks different this time.

The reversal of this card now suggests that you may have sped up too quickly and jumped in head first too spontaneously.

It’s important to open yourself up to new experiences, but you don’t need to say “yes” to everything all at once, and you’re also not expected to handle everything on your own.

The whole point of this energy is spontaneity, openness, and fresh starts. Do not reach for answers unnecessarily.

Your Curated Resources for This Week

Are you ready to dive deeper?

Your Tarotscope is only the start, as there is still an abundance of weekly energy to unpack, plan for, and work with. However, the idea of this may be overwhelming with our ever-busy schedules and personal lives — we get it, don’t worry!

With you in mind, we’ve collected some straightforward resources so you can ready yourself for the week ahead:

Related article: Your October 2024 Tarotscopes

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