Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for October 17 – 23, 2022

hand outstretched over an array of tarot cards spread out on a red table

The very tail end of Libra season is here, and it’s time to make the last stretch count!

The week may seem tame at first, with the most significant event for a while being the Last Quarter Moon in Cancer kicking things off on the 17th. This event will help you focus on the emotional side of yourself when it comes to achieving your goals and wrapping up loose ends.

After, though, the next date to look for will be the 23rd, when Scorpio season takes off, Venus enters Scorpio, and Saturn goes direct in Aquarius. Talk about a dramatic start and an even more exciting finish!

To help you digest all this information, we’ll walk you through your weekly Tarotscope and get the insightful goods from the Tarot before you chalk up your astrological calendar for the week.

Your Weekly Tarotscope: October 17 – 23, 2022


Knight of Wands (Reversed)

Aries has been on a back-and-forth journey with these Wands cards, and this week is no exception.

This is not all that surprising to begin with given your bold Fiery nature connecting easily with this Minor Arcana suit, but this week it seems like you may be prone to overdoing it.

The Knight of Wands reversed warns against going too hard with your drive and ambitions. It’s great that you have goals and ideas in mind, but there’s not an actual race to win here — this is a marathon, so pace yourself!


7 of Pentacles

Taurus, you’re moving slowly but surely to meet your goals this week.

The 7 of Pentacles is the planning stage right before you jump into working hard and getting in the groove of actually doing the dang thing. But for now, you’re still plotting out the details.

This week is about reading the fine print and letting yourself analyze a bit more than usual. Thankfully, Taurus are usually great at both seeing the bigger picture and knowing the smaller, practical steps to get there in the in-between.

So, this week, embrace your reliable Taurus senses and lean into plotting, planning, and organizing.


The Magician

Gemini, it’s time to get creative (again).

The Magician beckons you toward your natural Mercurial destiny, bearing the same planet as you. It knows how well you’re capable of really manifesting what you want when you put your mind to it, using your witty and eclectic nature in the process.

So when it comes to embracing this card for your week, it’s not necessarily about conjuring up an entirely new vision. Remember that you already have the resources you need inside of you — it’s time to just illuminate the skills existing within.


4 of Cups

Cancer, there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing,” and this week has that phrase written all over it.

The 4 of Cups hints toward boredom and dissatisfaction. It may feel like you’ve hit a dead end, repeating familiar themes, lessons, and emotions over and over again.

You’re in the process of rejecting the stuff you feel you’ve already seen before — things that you think couldn’t possibly serve you right now. But the truth is that the Universe is always capable of surprising you, and sometimes it’s worth letting it try.

You may think there are already too many emotions, memories, and pieces of insight on your plate right now, but keep an open heart this week to what it has to offer.


6 of Wands

We all know Leo can adore a bit of the glory and applause from time to time, and you’ll be getting your flowers this week.

The 6 of Wands is a fortuitous sign for those who feel like the road has been all about work, work, work, and no one has been recognizing your efforts.

Here, you’ll be getting more of the recognition you deserve. This may not be a monetary or tangible reward, but it’s more so the feeling of victory and appreciation that you’re more prone to receiving this week. And sometimes, that goes a long way!


Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

Virgo has been learning, growing, and absorbing all kinds of practical information — but it’s starting to get a little tiring, isn’t it?

The Page of Pentacles is usually a welcomed sight and rings true to your Virgo skillsets of being a devoted student of life and a practical, down-to-earth thinker.

Reversed, it may be starting to be a bit of a drag, and you may feel more scattered or overwhelmed with what you’ve been getting, now detached perhaps from your emotional side or intuitive flow.

The key here is that if something feels off, don’t just proceed as normal. Let yourself pause from the grind and reflect on what your heart is asking for.


King of Wands (Reversed)

Pause, Libra — let’s re-evaluate.

The King of Wands reversed is coming to your side after a lot of planning and consideration. Last week, you tread off into vast unknowns with the 2 of Wands, seriously tapping into the energy of what adventures and grand ambitions you’d like to chase.

The King asks that you consider your control and what you’re investing energy into, especially being reversed, and especially still sitting in the same suit.

Evaluate with thoughtfulness, and remember that there’s no rush to the finish, or else you risk burning yourself out quickly this week.


5 of Cups (Reversed)

Scorpio, it’s time to let go and let the past be in the past.

The 5 of Cups usually hints that you’re ruminating a bit too much on what is essentially spilled milk. But hey, sometimes the process of emotionally processing a difficult emotion is extremely crucial.

Reversed, though, you’re possibly more ready to move forward with your life and focus on what now lies in front of you, not behind you. 

And this week is about taking that first step!


The Fool (Reversed)

Sagittarius, your happy-go-lucky nature sometimes needs to come back to earth.

We adore the wild whims of the archer, as The Fool is a card of grand adventures and fresh starts, embracing its youth, whimsy, and eclectic, intuitive flow.

However, its reversal indicates discomfort. You may feel like its whims are actually quite distant right now, or some of you may feel stuck here in its grasp with no sign of progress (it’s all fun and games for a while, but not as a permanent station).

Whatever the case may be, it’s time to examine your relationship with this energy and be honest about where the disconnect lies.

Dive Deeper: You Pulled The Fool Card — Now What?


Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Capricorn has been in a contemplative, reflective moment for a hot minute.

This week, that perspective and internal focus are getting turned to the realm of the emotional and intuitive. The Queen of Cups reversed hints that you’re now focused on feeling and flow — what feels good and what your intuition is saying.

As the card is reversed, it’s not yet time to just live and make huge, life-altering choices in this energy just yet. For now, this week is just about reconnecting and being curious about this part of yourself.


The Empress

Aquarius is creating, nurturing, intuiting, and more — yes, that’s a whole lot of action on the table for the week!

And that action feels fantastic too. The Empress is a card of fertility, which means that the seeds you’re planting right now are extremely abundant and capable of going pretty far if you can keep nurturing them.

This card isn’t just about the practical results, though, as it embraces your emotional and intuitive side just as much. So don’t forget to allow that part of you into the process wholeheartedly as well!


5 of Wands (Reversed)

Pisces is wrestling with all kinds of conflict this week, much to their dismay.

As a sensitive, intuitive soul, you’re prone to picking up on what others are putting down. And right now, the 5 of Wands reversed hints that you may be taking home a lot of conflict and chaos — some of which isn’t even your own.

Although you’re trying your best to move away from the noise of the world, the boundary is sometimes hard to strike when you ultimately do care about others (and have values), people, and causes that you want to keep paying attention to.

Don’t try to turn your emotions off this week, Pisces. Just hold space for what you experience, and remember to breathe.

Did You Know Your Tarotscope is Multi-Use?

You probably know that your weekly Tarotscope is great for helping you plan ahead for the future.

In this way, it’s a great aid for journaling, noting up your calendar (alongside the astrology for the week), and being contemplative about what your plans are going to look like.

But you can also return to your Tarotscope throughout the week as well for some extra reassurance, as sometimes messages resonate differently amidst all the commotion. Or, you could even return to your Tarotscope after the week settles and compare how the energies manifested more specifically for you.

As your Tarotscope is ultimately a multi-use tool meant for your own journey, make sure to make the most of what the Tarot has to offer!

Get the bigger picture: Your October 2022 Tarotscopes

About the Author

Picture of Lexi Hikari

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

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