Moon Articles

Find Out Who to Block with August’s Full Moon in Aquarius

We have an Aquarius Full Moon coming up on August 11th. Aquarius is the zodiac sign that rules friendships. That means this Full Moon brings extra energy to our friendships. But this time, not only can it expose who our true friends and BFFs are, but it will also allow

What Does the Moon in Aquarius Mean?

While the Moon may not be considered a planet according to scientific communities, its status as a planet in astrology must not be ignored – the Moon’s effect on our moods down here on Earth are strong and undeniable. Our intuition, subconscious minds, and emotions are deeply connected to the

Uncover the Mystery of the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is coming! On May 16th, 2022, we have our first Lunar Eclipse of the year, and it’s part of the first Eclipse Season for 2022, coming after the April Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moons (Solar Eclipses occur with

What Does the Moon in Aries Mean?

In astrology, the importance of the Moon and its effect on our Earthly world down here cannot be understated. Did you know that the Moon’s energetic pull is strong enough to affect the ocean’s tides and even the success of your home garden? It should come as no surprise then

The Ultimate Guide to Lunar & Solar Eclipses

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about eclipses – both solar and lunar – and how to mentally and emotionally prepare for the energy that accompanies them! What is an Eclipse? According to NASA, “an eclipse takes place when one heavenly body such as a moon

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Mark your calendars cosmic warriors! We’re officially in eclipse season! After a month of raring-to-go Aries energy, get ready to step into earthy vibes with a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022. Eclipses herald a time of abrupt life changes. There’s an “It’s-meant-to-be” energy this month

Try This Sun & New Moon in Aquarius 5-Card Tarot Spread

The Sun made its way to Aquarius on January 19th, and the New Moon will join it on February 1st. We’ve got a double whammy of Aquarius energy coming your way, which will undoubtedly be felt by all on some level or another. If Aquarius is a dominating sign in

These 5 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected by the Capricorn Stellium

Capricorn season 2022 has more than the usual planetary presence. The skies are gearing up for a whole lot of action, and so are we! All of the cosmos decided to flock together in the tenacious Earth sign of Capricorn. Right now, a whopping five planets are forming a Capricorn

Make Sure You’re Prepared for 2022 Eclipse Season with this Helpful Guide

A transformative, powerful eclipse is just around the corner! Are you ready? Each year, we experience myriad Solar and Lunar eclipses, each one bringing with it differing, changing energies. With one eclipse just around the corner and many others to come our way in 2022, this may be the perfect

Get Lucky With New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Each month, we experience the refreshing and transformative energy of the New Moon. And each month, that magical, mystical New Moon takes place in a different sign of the zodiac, meaning that it brings with it its own unique and exhilarating energy. We’re here today to talk about the New

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