Venus Articles

brunette woman in a white dress floating in water on her back

Everything You Need to Know About Venus Retrograde & What It Means for You

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding. But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.” Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a

venus in aries

Can THIS Astrological Transit Actually Make You a Better Lover?

On February 4th, 2025, seduction heats the bedroom when the planet of love, Venus, meets bold and vibrant Aries. You can expect to feel renewed with confidence, enthusiasm, magnetism, and zeal. Venus in Aries gives a new meaning to love by bringing your wildest passions, inner desires, and sexual energy

venus in pisces

Venus in Pisces is Changing the Game—Check Your Love Horoscope Now!

Venus, the planet of beauty and love, is back at it again with a new placement, infusing our love lives and social lives with new energy. And this time, it’s moving through dreamy, imaginative Pisces, infusing the next month with romance, creativity, and compassion. This is the perfect time to

venus in aquarius

This Astrological Transit is About to Improve Your Love Life

A sense of rebellion accompanies the sign of Aquarius, a desire for spontaneity that coats each moment in uncertainty and excitement. And when Venus – the planet of love – moves into Aquarius on December 7th, 2024. You can expect these themes to trickle into your love life! Let’s take

venus in sagittarius

Are You Ready for Love & Adventure With THIS Spicy Transit?

Have you been looking for a bit of fun in life – and, in particular, love? After such a whirlwind of a year, there’s a good chance that most of us are ready for a bright, bubbly break and a little bit of romantic adventure, which is just what Venus

venus in libra

Things Are About to Heat Up With Venus in Libra

Ah, lovely Libra! The sign of diplomacy, tact, and grace. This is the zodiac sign that values justice, balance, and harmony. In the presence of a Libra or someone with strong Libra energy, you cannot help but be charmed by their witty nature, delightful appeal, and desire for justice! Of course, Libra has its

gleeful brunette woman in a black dress and red lipstick with her hands in the air surrounded by heart-shaped balloons and confetti

You Might Just Find Your Soulmate During THIS Important Transit

Love energy shifts as Venus moves into Virgo on August 4th, 2024! This sign rules the details, so Venus in Virgo can be a time to pay closer attention to your loved ones and your relationships, noticing the little things and seeing their true value. With Venus in Virgo, it’s

woman in a pink suit holding out a brightly decorated cake

This Upcoming Week is THE Week for Abundance & Wealth – Find Out Why

Prepare for the incoming Venus in Leo on the 11th, which brings vast opportunities with it! When Venus enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo, we are more generous with our money, and, as such, this generosity is amplified by our ability to attract more. You know what they say—whatever

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