Gemini Articles

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Leo

The Sun is about to move into Leo, meaning Leo season is arriving, and it’s time to break out the party hats and start celebrating! If you’re a Leo yourself, it’s your time to shine right now, letting your luminous personality light up every corner of any room you enter.

mars in gemini

Here’s What You Should Do With This Upcoming Mars Transit

We’re here today to talk about another exciting transit that will some eclectic energy into your life: Mars in Gemini. Mars is the planet of action, the planet of passion, the planet that drives us to go after what we want in life. And when it’s in Gemini, a quick-witted

Your Dark Side, Based on Your Moon Sign

Your Moon sign refers to the placement of the Moon at the time of your birth – that is, the constellation, or sign, that the Moon was in at the very moment that you entered this world. The Moon rules our emotions and connects to our shadows, so it only

woman in bright pink shirt and funky eyeshadow staring ahead against a bright orange backdrop

How to Embrace Change With the New Moon in Gemini

Hands up if you love the New Moon phase! If there is ever a time to start afresh and to burst with new ideas, as well as implement those ideas into reality, it would be during a New Moon. A New Moon is always a magical transition, ripe with possibilities,

Where is Gemini in Your Birth Chart?

Gemini season will finally be taking us out of the Earthy sign of the Bull — in other words, the Sun has moved out of Taurus and into Mutable Gemini! Witty, intelligent, and curious, Gemini brings a sociable and enthusiastic spirit to our astrological landscape. Whether it’s through cracking open

These Are the BEST & the WORST Love Matches for Gemini

Gemini season is here, and we’re ready to talk all about Gemini love compatibility. Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac, charming those around them with their energetic nature. Today, we’ll examine this sign’s most compatible and least compatible signs. About the Gemini Zodiac Sign Geminis are ruled by

You NEED These 6 Crystals for Gemini Season

The sociable, quick-witted, and intelligent folks born in the sign of Gemini tend to have brilliant advice-givers among them. If you have a problem, turn to a Gemini, and a solution will be quickly presented to you! You may not always like what they have to say (they can be

What to Expect This 2024 Gemini Season

Gemini season is around the corner, and if you’re like the many, many individuals who have a complex idea about what this sign represents, you might not be sure what exactly you can expect. Each month, the Sun moves into a new astrological sign, bringing with it the energy of

pair of hands holding a piggybank

How to Make Money in 2024, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever felt like you were in the wrong job? Maybe you took a job to learn a specific skill. Or, maybe it was simply to pay the bills (that’s a reality in life that doesn’t need a spiritual purpose). At any rate, if you have ever found yourself

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