Chakra Articles

How Each Sign Can Benefit from Reiki

Reiki is a traditional Japanese practice that promotes healing and a decrease in stress. A Reiki master will use their knowledge to shift and heal the body’s energy, resulting in a more spiritual, calm demeanor. Can Reiki and Astrology work together? The answer is yes. Every sign has both negative

How Do I Know If I Am Getting the Most Out of My Reiki Divination Tools?

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Today’s question is:

3 Stress-Reducing Chakra Healing Exercises

Your chakras are the 7 main energy centers in your body. If they are out of alignment or blocked, it can have a significant impact on your life and your health. It’s always important to engage in as many healing activities as you can to keep them balanced and functioning

7 Ways Blocked Chakras Are Messing Up Your Life

Do you ever feel out of whack and you’re not really sure why? Maybe you even have some physical symptoms, but you can’t pin down any physical ailment. Or perhaps you do have a physical ailment, and regular treatment just isn’t cutting it. Got life problems that you just can’t

Ask Charla: 7 Powerful Ways to Open Your Chakras

There’s an awful lot of talk these days about chakras and you aren’t alone if you’re wondering what they are and what they are all about. How do you know whether they’re closed or open and what do you do about it?! It doesn’t matter if you’re experienced in chakra

What Your Zodiac Sign and the Planets Reveal About Your Health

Hello again, friends! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla’. You probably already know what Sun sign you are. You might even know your Sun sign’s ruling planet. However, did you know that every Sun sign corresponds to a different area of the body? If you are familiar with the

How to Give Your Chakras Some Love Using Reiki Stones

There are many tools at your disposal when it comes to self-improvement and working to heal yourself. Most of those will help you work on a specific issue, but there aren’t many that will work on your entire being—the physical and ethereal body—so that you bring all aspects of yourself

How to Experience Immediate Clarity With a Clear Throat Chakra

Do you ever feel confused? Silly question, right? We’ve all been there. But I’m not taking about the every day stuff. I’m talking about some of those bigger things in life. One minute you feel like you are in the best relationship ever, and the next you have the rug

Crown Chakra and Third Eye Chakra Meditations

We talk about the chakras a lot because healthy chakras are a very important component of your spiritual path. Chakras are those invisible spinning wheels of energy that are inside your human body, that control and rule your spiritual and emotional journey. You have these chakras in your soul, and

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