Love Articles

Aries, Have a Great Relationship With These Compatibility Tips

Aries, it’s your turn to rise like the phoenix and shine. As a fire sign, you’re friendly and outgoing and people warm to you easily. You’re going to have many acquaintances, friends, and lovers in your life. You’ll be fortunate enough that some of those people will become very close

Could You Be Talking to the Partner of Your Dreams?

There’s some unpredictable energy around at the start of the month. Like most Mercury transits, this is a pretty fleeting thing, and it is going to involve communication, travel, and maybe a bit of mental agility. Expect the unexpected — and if you’re looking for a summer romance, well, you

Patience is an Asset with Mercury and Mars

The current alignment of Mercury square Mars in the fixed signs of the zodiac isn’t going to be a walk in the park, but fortunately, the challenges are fleeting, due to Mercury’s speedy orbit. All the same, you can expect some confrontation over the next day or three, particularly when

Venus Trine Saturn: Owning Relationship Responsibility

Transit: Venus Trine Saturn Venus is making a short-lived aspect to Saturn this week. Even though this is a fleeting thing (only lasting a few days), it could have a pretty profound influence on your love life. What you start – or end – now could have far-reaching effects. That’s

Mercury’s Emotional Challenges and Dreams

The first week in July sees Mercury come into a rather demanding aspect with Saturn. At 150 degrees, there’s no getting around the fact that there’s just nothing in common here. They don’t share a sign or an element or a quality. This can make communication difficult, and bring some

Healing Your Soul and Repairing Karma

A good astrologer can provide the guidance to help you through the hard times. That’s vague, I know. But it’s been my experience that commitment to the direction given by a real psychic, medium, or reader can (and will) give you the support you need. This is especially true when

His and Her Valentine’s Day Gift Guide by the Zodiac Sign

Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you ready? Do you have something exciting in store for your sweetie? Or are you single and seriously crushing on someone? It is that time of the year where no matter what your relationship status is, you may be hoping for a little extra love this

Chinese Zodiac 2016: How to Get Lucky in the Year of the Monkey

We are now about to enter another very fascinating period for astrologers. It is the period of the Chinese New Year. What are the predictions for the Chinese zodiac 2016? In the Chinese zodiac 2016, we are entering the Year of the Monkey this spring. The monkey is a lucky

Love Compatibility When Venus Enters Virgo: Time to Get Real

Venus is having her fun with us this month! We’ve been saying since Summer began that July 2015 was going to be a big month for lovers, and many of you are probably already nodding and smiling over that one. Have you had some fun surprises or changes in love

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