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What Tarot Deck Should You Buy, Based Off Your Zodiac Sign

Whether you’re new to the Tarot scene or your deck collection is getting so big you need a new storage system, everyone needs a little more Tarot in their life. It can be quite the conundrum to decipher which deck is right for you, especially with so many neat ones

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 20 – 26, 2021

Are you ready for a week of emotional release followed by blissed-out balance? Then scoot over and make room for the stars and their plans because they’ve got some big ones in store for you this week! We have two major transits rolling in this week, starting right on September

How to Find Balance With the 2021 Fall Equinox

2021 has been a powerhouse of retrogrades, intense Full Moons, and, well, just intense stuff in general (and that’s putting it lightly). This September, we have another significant planetary event to look forward to – the Fall Equinox. When the Fall Equinox occurs, there is an equal amount of day

Your Libra Season Money & Wealth Forecast

Are you ready to start a season of abundance? Libra season is here again to usher in themes of balance, negotiation, harmony, and social connections. But what about wealth? We’re here today to discuss the beauty of Libra season and what it’s bringing your way in terms of money and

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 13 – 19, 2021

Have you been waiting for your charm and persuasiveness to emerge before making your next move? Then this is the week for you because charm, negotiable energy, and a friendly attitude are at the forefront of our minds right now. We only experience one major transit this week, but it’s

Your Must-Read Lunar Energy Check-In

The Moon can move the ocean tides and control our crop growth – so is it any wonder that the Moon and her phases can influence our moods and emotions? If you visit Astrology Answers frequently, then you know just how important the Moon and its energy is for us

10 Comforting Virgo Season Affirmations for Your Zodiac Sign

Love it or hate it, we’ve officially entered well into Virgo season, and the responses may be… mixed. Whether you’re anxious or feeling organized and motivated to get to work, there is no doubt a series of ups and downs to handling this September’s Virgo season and perhaps even a

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 6 – 12, 2021

If you’ve been looking for a powerhouse week of manifestation and passion, then buckle your seatbelts and get ready for a wild ride! This week brings two major transits that give you a chance to start anew, attract your desires, and spark that fire within yourself. We start on September

You Pulled The Star Tarot Card – Now What?

Right after the destruction and turmoil of the Tower appears the Star – a card which, if we had to sum it up, means the calm after the storm has come. The 17th card of the Major Arcana usually depicts a nude woman pouring a jug of water into a

What Major Arcana Card Are You, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Have you ever found overlap between two mystical systems that seemed to have nothing in common but actually shared more insight when combined? For instance, if you’re a fan of the Tarot, you may have noticed some astrological correlations between the Tarot cards and the zodiac signs. Bold, beautiful, and

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