Wellness Articles

How To Be Your Most Spiritual Self This Year

A new year is fast approaching, and I’m sure most of us are already thinking of how we plan on changing for the better over the next year. One way many of us might be looking to improve is on the level of spirituality. Life moves by so quickly that

The Must Buy Holiday Gifts for Self-Transformation

If we are lucky enough to be making Holiday Gift Lists for those who would indulge us with presents this time of year, we can be spoiled for options. There are a lot of wants, but at the end of the day, we might be happier with good health and

Using the Holidays to Heal

Life is a wonderful experience, a miracle that we are blessed to partake in each day we remain in our bodily vessels. Life is not without pain, however, and sometimes we experience pain so deep and severe that we aren’t sure we can recover. They say time heals all wounds,

7 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress with Chakra Healing

When it comes to the holidays what is the first word that comes to your mind? Stress is the first word that comes to a lot of our minds. This is what happens when our plate is overfilled with obligations that are all spiritual, mental, financial, and emotional. Money is

Opening Your Heart Chakra Naturally

While every chakra is important to align and balance, restoring harmony to your heart chakra is one of the fastest ways to connect yourself with the universal, cosmic love all around you. There are seven main chakras in the body, and the heart chakra is the peacemaker connecting all of

Connecting with Yourself: How to Have the Best Relationship with You

Do you feel disconnected lately? Do you wonder where you’ve been, mentally? It isn’t always easy to maintain the mind-body connection within ourselves, let alone remain connected to our spirits. Keeping in contact with your innermost desires and beliefs is important for remaining balanced and centered. Staying strong in our

Ask Charla: Working with Your Third-Eye Chakra

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Thanks for asking

How to Use Essential Oils to Energize Yourself!

Are you feeling fatigued, exhausted, as though your spirit has been drained? We all lose our motivation and energy from time to time; the cold winter months can be especially difficult for rousing your vitality. While there are many ways to amplify your inner spirit, essential oils are a safe,

Small Change – Big Difference, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

With the possibilities of the New Year coming up, and all the excitement tied to making resolutions, lists and hopeful improvements on the horizon, we may feel like we have the next 6 weeks to party, entertain and finish out 2017 without concern for all of the bad habits or

Let Down Those Walls: What Being “Open” Means In Relationships

With so many planets in the fixed water sign Scorpio right now, relationships are coming under the microscope in an intense and powerful way. Venus has just arrived on the scene, and we still have Sun in Scorpio for a little while longer. We also have Jupiter in intense Scorpio,

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