Wellness Articles

The Best Essential Oil for Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The power of essential oils is quite something. Fragrances can be used to soothe us in many ways: add it to a carrier oil or water in an oil burner, a few drops in the bathtub mixed with a carrier oil or even sniff it straight from the bottle. There

How to Use Tarot During Meditation

​The benefits of meditation on our emotional wellbeing and intuitive capabilities have become more popular in recent years, but some of us still have a hard time sitting still with our (lack of) thoughts. If you find yourself getting anxious or restless when attempting to meditate or get into the

Freshen Up Your Living Space for Gemini Season

​In this recurring monthly series on interior decorating and home improvement, we’ll discuss ways for the various signs to get inspired and make some changes around their most important spaces within the home. Regardless of budget or skill level, there are always small ways we can adapt our living spaces

Annihilate Negativity with Kyanite

No one likes dealing with negative energy, whether it’s coming from within or an external source. Negative energy drains our spirit and leaves us feeling stressed and depleted. Crystal healing is a fantastic way to keep your chakras aligned, your spirit refreshed, and your sacred space purified from negative energy.

Methods of Self-Care by Zodiac Sign Element

​It’s Summer! Or at least, almost Summer. We are still springing into it, but it is close enough to taste and smell! Spring and Summer are exciting seasons because everything seems so fresh and exciting. It also feels a little lazier. During these seasons, we all want to take care

Dream Journalling & Tips to Enhance Your Memory

In our adult lives, due to a lack of connection to the spirit world and our own soul, most of us just laugh off our dreams only to forget about them by lunch time. But, both science and religion have found that dreams are actually a big part of our

Your 1-Stop Shungite Shop: The Shungite Crystal & Its Uses

Do you frequently feel exhausted or frazzled, like there are far too few hours in the day? In our busy, technologically-driven society, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained – and part of the reason might just be all of the electromagnetic waves surrounding us. Our planners are filled

How to Protect Yourself from the Psychic Vampires In Your Life

Psychic vampires may sound like something out of a bad horror movie, but the truth is that they are very real and, what’s more, they don’t necessarily have sharp teeth, drink blood, and sleep in coffins. Psychic vampires are all around us. But how do you spot one and how

Feeding the Bull: The Best Food & Diet for Taurus

Ah, Taurus! One of the strongest and most steadfast of all the zodiac signs, Taureans are known for their unwavering and resilient natures. Stubbornness is just as powerful as strength with this sign; once a Taurean puts their mind to something, there is no holding them back! In the realm

The Lucky Dress: Can Our Clothes Act as Talismans?

Many of us have an article of clothing – or many – that we consider lucky. Many women have a lucky dress, many men don a particular pair of boxers during their favorite sporting event. But can our clothes actually act as talismans? What is a Talisman? The word “talisman”

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