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a hand holding out a spread of blue tarot cards

Read Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 6 – 12, 2023

If you’ve been enjoying the humanitarian and eclectic whims of Aquarius, you’ll be delighted by the events of this week! Aside from being in vibrantly eccentric Aquarius season already, we’ll also see Mercury, planet of thought and communication, enter this sign on the 11th. Aside from this, the week is

blue tarot cards spread out on a grey table with two candles

Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 30 – February 5, 2023

Before you could even blink, the end of the first month of 2023 is already upon us! This week, we’re transitioning away from the fresh slates of January and into the often-romantic and dreamy landscape of February. Feeling like 2023 already started off on the wrong foot? No worries —

blue tarot cards spread on a grey table with peacock feathers

Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 23 – 29, 2023

Ready for this week’s Tarotscope? It’s ready for you, but first, we must check in with the latest news. And by news, of course, we mean astro-news! Planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters dreamy Pisces on the 26th, creating imaginative, intuitive, and dreamlike ripples in romance and love. This

blue tarot card deck spread along a white table with a pair of hands holding one card with crystals and wood

Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 2 – 8, 2023, Right Now

It’s time to see what the first full week of this year has in store for us. We’ll first be kicking things off with Venus, planet of love and beauty, entering sociable yet independent Aquarius on the 2nd. If you think that’s exciting, we’ll also almost immediately be having our

pile of blue tarot cards on a white table covered in candles, crystals, and wood

Read Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 26 – January 1, 2023

We may be readying ourselves for the energy of 2023, but the tail end of 2022 isn’t to be scoffed at either! At this time of the year, it’s tempting to brush 2022 aside and wait patiently (or maybe not-so-patiently) for the excitement of a new year to steamroll over

pair of hands holding blue tarot cards over a white table covered in crystals and wood

Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 19 – 25, 2022

You might think the holiday season is the busiest thing on the block, but there’s actually a whole slew of astrology updates you won’t want to miss, either! This week, we’ll kick off with lucky planet Jupiter moving into bold Aries on the 20th. But this isn’t the only go-getter

blue tarot cards spread out on a white beside red flower petals

Read Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 12 – 18, 2022

The final stretch of Sagittarius season has finally rolled around, and it’s time to find out how to ready yourself for the action. Actually, spoiler alert: this week’s astro weather is a bit tame. In terms of “big news,” the most traditionally dramatic thing you’ll see this week is the

hand over top of a blue tarot card on a white table with other tarot cards and crystals spread out

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 5 – 11, 2022

In case you’ve missed it, Sagittarius season is here… but we’re already onto the next big piece of astro news — say hello to these Capricorn transits. Venus and Mercury will be moving into this grounded, practical sign this week. First, it’ll be Mercury (planet of communication and thought) entering

blue tarot cards spread across a white table with crystals and candles

Your Weekly Tarotoscopes for November 21 – 27, 2022

Ready or not, we’re embracing a week of Fire, passion, and action. And why is that, you may wonder? Sagittarius energy was rolled out slowly starting last week, with Venus and Mercury both entering the sign of the wild archer. But this week, the Sun itself will be moving into

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