Search Results for: 6 of Wands – Page 18 Articles

Tarot Numerology: Exploring the Number 9

Are you ready for the culmination of your spiritual journey so far? A test of the lessons learned, a taste of the rewards to come? If you’ve just pulled a 9 in the Tarot, you’d better be! Life comes at us fast. We might not always be prepared for the

Tarot Numerology: Exploring the Number 8

Good omens from the Universe come in many forms. Maybe you’ve just seen a rainbow, a dove, or a $20 bill lying at your feet on the sidewalk — but have you considered what good omens may be a little less obvious, and yet are still foretelling your good fortune?

What the Tarot Forecasts for Summer 2020

The summer sun and vacation breeze is finally here, but we all know that much more works beneath the surface in order to create paradise. Whether it’s the mysterious inner workings of the Moon phases or a retrograde here and there, the Universe works in mystical, and sometimes confusing, ways

Tarot Numerology: 7’s of Tarot

While you might be familiar with many of the common red flags of the Tarot — think: The Tower or The Devil! — you may be less familiar with the ways that a 7 in your spread can mean trouble… or generally that it’s time to buckle up and ready

Which Minor Arcana Card are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Minor Arcana cards displayed with the Modern Witch Tarot Deck. Astrology and the Tarot go hand in hand with as rich of a relationship as peanut butter and jelly, both helping us clear up confusion, open new doors, and even peer a little deeper into our innermost thoughts and desires.

Are Moon Phases Impacting Your Tarot Readings?

It’s no secret that the stars have a lot of say in how we may be feeling right in a certain time and place, showing us when and where we may experience a particular emotion and why, or even come across a kind of event or energy in our lives.

Near & Far: A Tarot Spread for Distant Connection

Whether you’re separated from someone that you love or are interested in seeing where a long-gone connection is now, Tarot is thankfully always up for the task. We’ve crafted a spread that looks into that connection and clarifies any lingering questions or concerns you might have had about the distant

Valentine’s Day 7-Card Love Tarot Spread

Always a special time of year for lovebirds and singlebirds alike, Valentine’s Day tends to elicit a wide range of emotions within us. There’s excitement and anticipation, but also, in some cases, dullness and disappointment. But Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love and passion – and, especially, it

Tarot & Oracle Cards: What’s the Difference?

Everyone loves the Tarot, and the age-old system that is cloaked in charm and mysticism certainly is popular for a reason. What about its magical other half, though — an Oracle deck? Let’s discuss the key differences between Tarot and Oracle, and decide whether or not you should invest in

Sun in Sagittarius 4-Card Tarot Spread

On November 23rd, the Sun went from Scorpio into Sagittarius and it’s time for everyone to get their thinking caps on, broaden their minds and expand their horizons! Sagittarius is the great explorer of the zodiac. Of the three Fire signs, it is the one whose fire has a tendency

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