Search Results for: aries animal sign – Page 3 Articles

Halloween Costume Inspiration, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

We’re about to move into spook season, and with it comes all kinds of weird and wonderful things – including Halloween costumes! You may be agonizing over which costume to wear for Halloween this year, or considering whether you will dress up at all! Agonize no more. As with many

A Step-By-Step Guide to Changing Careers for Aries

Aries are passionate individuals who seek the thrill of setting goals and are well-known for working hard to achieve their ambitions. The adventure-seeking ram within all Aries feels happiest and most satisfied in life when they are able to pursue adventure and self-growth. When life places the Aries in an

Which British Royal Family Member Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

The public’s obsession with the Windsors, better known as the British Royal Family, has lasted decades. They move magazines and papers like no other, from trashy tabloids to respected publications. Countless hours of news coverage have been dedicated to them. They are pop culture icons represented in movies, TV shows,

A Movie for Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Matches Yours?

In a world where we spend more time deciding what to watch on Netflix than watching the actual movies, it can be difficult to make a decision. And, there’s nothing worse than sitting through a movie you hate and feeling like you’ve wasted your time. That’s why today, we created

What Hobby Should You Try in 2019 Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

You probably know certain zodiac signs are inclined to like certain things, so of course certain hobbies will appeal to some zodiac signs far more than others. Based on some very predictable personality traits and the characteristics of the element of each sign, we can pinpoint rather accurately the types

What Holiday Gifts to Avoid Giving, Based on the Zodiac Sign

Most of us look forward to the holiday season; after all, there are so many great parties, events and opportunities to eat our faces off while celebrating with the people we love most. There are those who seem to give the best presents year after year, consistently dazzling their Secret

Mars Enters Aquarius – Where Dreams & Passions Collide by the Zodiac Sign

It’s time to start thinking of some dreams again! Just when things in life started to feel a little draggy, thanks Saturn, energy picks up steam again. We’ve had multiple planets in retrograde status over the Summer months, and life has been slow moving in all directions. Or at least

Your Must-Have Summer Accessory, Based on Your Sign

It’s summertime and the living is easy. Each change of season brings an evolution; we are constantly changing and growing. How can we keep up with the ever-changing nature of our beings? One of life’s most valuable gifts is the ability to express oneself. There are some countries where self-expression

Your Must Have Spring Home Accessory, Based on Your Sign

Spring is in full swing and with this season of growth and renewal, we turn our thoughts to improvement in our health, our connection to nature and especially in our homes. It’s not called spring cleaning for nothing! With our desire to clear out the old and make room for

Your Perfect Job, Based on Your Sign

The New Year is a time to bring about change, it signals a clean slate, and we all have a chance to improve on ourselves, hopeful for a year when we finally get it right. On top of this, the planets are aligning in a very career-focused way, and our

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