Search Results for: aries animal sign – Page 8 Articles

Chinese Astrology: Understanding the 4 Trines

Interest in Chinese astrology has gained popularity over the years, but there is much about this fascinating branch of astrology that many people do not know. Perhaps you know you were born in the Year of the Dog: loyal, dependable, and a bit of a worrywart. Maybe your best friend

How to Use Today’s Horoscope as the Ultimate Stress Reliever

Today’s horoscope can be a window into your own emotional state, and if you know the nature of your sign, you can use today’s horoscope as a way to use each day’s unique energy to make serious headway towards your goals. Today’s horoscope lets you know how your mind will

The Perfect Holiday Recipes for the Sagittarius

You don’t have to read a Sagittarius daily horoscope If you want to get to know your Sagittarius friends better – instead, you can get to know them through their stomach! A person’s food preferences are greatly influenced by what inspires their soul and what they personally find comfort in.

A Secret To Success: Know When Your Emotions are Coming From the Planets

Have you ever heard yourself say, “I don’t know what came over me?” Have you ever observed someone act out of character and seem to spew emotions all over other people and overreact? Then they get labeled as a loose cannon or people get resentful and avoid them because of

Using Astrology to Become Your Most Genuine Self

In a fast-paced world, with so much information and technology at our fingertips, it can be difficult to remain centered in ourselves and exude the air of genuine individuality that we hope to put out in the universe. It’s easy to split ourselves in many directions, almost as if we’re

Saturn in Capricorn Horoscopes – Your 2018 Success Plan

Okay, so, holy intense week, Batman, am I right? We’ve had a New Moon, a Mercury retrograde, a Mercury turn around to direct, the Sun entering Capricorn, the Winter Solstice, and now Saturn enters Capricorn. All of this one week before the holidays, and a New Year to boot! That’s

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