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Letter ‘X’ Dream Meaning

Similar Dream: Letter K, X-Ray, Xerox, Xylophone X marks the spot! But, what does that spot mean? What lies beyond the dream symbols we see? The alphabet can take on a new meaning in dreams. Seeing the letter “X” in your dream is a very common and symbolic occurrence. It actually appears more than any

Letter ‘K’ Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Letter X, Kaleidoscope, Kangaroo, Karma, Kettle, Keys, Kidnapping, Kissing We don’t always see concrete images in our dreams, but on occasion, one or two symbols may creep through that leave us a little confused. Letters usually fall into this category because the context of them in our dreams matters in order to find the true meaning.

Zodiac Sign

Similar: Zodiac Each of the constellations in the zodiac makes up a zodiac sign. Every sign has identifying factors like their element (is it Water, Fire, Earth, or Air sign?), quality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable?), and their compatibility with other signs (Geminis and Sagittarius’ go well together, Sagittarius and Virgo do not).  Let’s break it down: There are 12 zodiac signs in

The Moon

The Moon Astrology Facts: Glyph: Ruler of: Emotions, The Subconscious Sign of Dignity: Cancer Sign of Detriment: Capricorn Sign of Exaltation: Taurus Sign of Fall: Scorpio Physical Body: Stomach, breasts, lymphatic system, digestive system, womb Changes Sign: Every 2-3 days What Does the Moon Symbolize? Even though there are hundreds,


What Do the Planets Mean in Astrology? Each planet in our solar system rules over a different aspect of our lives. Your Sun sign—the zodiac sign that the Sun appeared in at the time of your birth—rules the core of who you are. But the rest of the planets also have

Are you a Narcissist? Here’s What the Stars Have to Say

Did you ever run into a narcissist? Or are you one yourself? Raise your hand (both hands) if you agree that pathological narcissists are awful people. A narcissist’s denial of their own childhood trauma and ability to inflict pain upon others makes them an interesting case study in both psychology

How to Use Your Dreams to Become Successful

Your dreams hold psychic messages for you. These messages mostly come from your own subconscious mind and they can also help you tap into a deeper knowing of who you are so you can align yourself to become successful and extremely content with what you do in life. Our world

How Will the Mercury Shadow Impact You?

This round of Mercury madness (AKA Mercury retrograde) is finally ending after leaving us in chaos. This period when Mercury appears to be moving backward can throw you for a loop (and then some!), and you have to be extra careful with managing the energy so you can make it

A Guide to the 4 Tarot Suits: Cups, Wands, Swords & Pentacles

The Tarot is a tool that has been around for hundreds of years and is used for divination. It allows one to connect to the spiritual side of themselves to see how to heal on a deep psychological level so one can manifest more positive life experiences. Traditionally it was

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