Search Results for: capricorn meaning – Page 9 Articles

leo new moon

THIS Upcoming New Moon is About to Reveal Some Exciting Insights

The season of the lion is finally here! That’s right. It’s Leo’s time to shine once again in all their bright, bold, and glamorous glory. While the Sun is burning bright in this playful sign, we can also look forward to a glowing New Moon in the feisty sign of

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Leo

The Sun is about to move into Leo, meaning Leo season is arriving, and it’s time to break out the party hats and start celebrating! If you’re a Leo yourself, it’s your time to shine right now, letting your luminous personality light up every corner of any room you enter.

woman with dreadlocks on a beach with her eyes closed looking serene

Here’s How a Full Moon Affects You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

There are some astrological events that we all pay attention to, and one of them is Full Moons. This is something so common that even people who don’t practice astrology still follow the Full Moons! On June 21st, 2024, we experienced a Capricorn Full Moon. And now, on July 21st,

weekly astrology forecast july 15

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for July 15th – 21st, 2024

How would you feel about a week of stimulating mental energy combined with a focus on your goals? Then read this article to see what astrological energy is headed your way this week! This week promises to be a dynamic period marked by significant astrological events: Mars entering Gemini on

july abundance forecast

Your July 2024 Abundance Forecast

July is here, and solstice blessings are still pouring in! Every aspect of your life is energized by universal energy this month, whether it is your family, relationships, health, career, or spiritual growth. New opportunities and insights continue to manifest from last month, and the universe boosts manifestation skills in

beautiful African American woman with an afro gazing into the distance

Emotional Transformation is Coming With THIS New Moon

Have you been sensing an energetic or emotional shift lately? Cancer season is known not only for the emotional energy it brings but also for the heightened intuition—which means that you’ve probably been picking up on more subtle energy than ever. And if your instinctual senses have been picking up

weekly tarotscope july 1

Your Weekly Tarotscope for July 1st – 7th, 2024

Ready or not, Neptune begins its retrograde on the 2nd, propelling us into a time of funky (but revealing) dreams and intuitive curiosity. On the same day, Mercury will move into bold, artistic, and passionate Leo, prompting us to speak our truths and move authentically into our most confident versions

moon sign ultimate guide

The Ultimate Guide to Your Moon Sign

Whether you’re more left-brained or right-brained, whether you subscribe to faith or science, and whether you believe in astrology or not, there’s one thing that everyone knows: their Sun sign. Even those who staunchly oppose astrology usually know which sign applies to them. The Sun sign is so ubiquitous in

moon phase astrology

What Moon Phase Were You Born Under & Why is it Significant?

Once you know your Sun sign and Moon sign and their exact locations, you can take the next step and find what Moon phase you were born in. The Moon phase you were born under can give a little more insight into you and your personality. It can provide information

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