Search Results for: digo Articles

You’re The Indigo Reiki Healing Stone.

Indigo Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email You’re the indigo reiki healing stone. You’re guided by your third-eye chakra—which is also sometimes called the brow chakra. This energy center is right where it sounds like it would be; between your eyes, on your browbone, like the eye of a

weekly astrology forecast october 21

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 21st – 27th, 2024

Are you ready for intense, insightful energy and a focus on the truth? Then read this article to see what the stars are bringing your way this week! As the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd, the cosmic energy undergoes a significant shift from the balance and harmony of Libra

Methods of Divination

We’ve compiled a guide to some beginner forms of divination, including chakras, palmistry, runes, and crystal pendulums. This is by no means a complete list—there are divination methods used by ancient civilizations worldwide. Some examples include: Ogham sticks rooted in Celtic traditions Bones used by the ancient Africans The Chinese

Your Reality Karma Needs Balancing

Reality Karma Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Your reality karma that needs balancing. In past lives, or maybe earlier in this one, it was easy to escape than it was to deal with the harshness of the truth. You believed what you wanted to believe, whether it was

Your Third Eye Chakra needs a tune-up!

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Your Third-Eye chakra needs a tune-up! This is right where you’d find a cyclops’ eye, right between your eyebrows. It’s associated with your sense of sight, and the musical note A. Its color is indigo, and its element is light. Here

The Third Eye Chakra is the key to your abundance!

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email The third-eye chakra is the key to your abundance! You have the insight of a visionary and the visions of an artist. You get strong hunches and some might even say that you were psychic. You appreciate what you

The Throat Chakra is the key to your abundance!

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email The throat chakra is the key to your abundance! You have a natural talent for expressing yourself. You know how to speak the truth quietly and clearly and command the attention of others. You have no problem getting your ideas


You might call them gems, stones, minerals, or rock—however you refer to them, crystals are powerful tools for healing, manifesting, and divination, coming straight from the core of the Earth. Crystals and crystal healing have become very popular since the new-age movement of the 1960s, but their healing and divination properties have long been known

Rainbow Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Jackpot, Intimacy, Divine Communication, Journey Who doesn’t like to see a rainbow, either in the waking world or the dream world? Just as it brings a smile to our faces in the waking world it is also a harbinger of good fortune in the dream world. A rainbow is a universal symbol of hope,

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