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Money Matters: Using the Tarot to Draw Wealth to You

2020 promises to be a year of upheaval and change for many of us. The desire to be financially secure may be stronger than ever. This is also the Year of the Rat in Chinese Astrology and Rat years are often focused on wealth, health and stability. One way that

Tarot Numerology: 3’s of the Tarot

We’ve wrestled with the Aces, tackled the 2’s, and now find ourselves at the 3’s of the Tarot. Even though it may be true that trouble comes in 3’s, this is the point of the Tarot journey that can get the real magic cooking — where the real adventure begins!

How to Read the Aces of the Tarot: Breakthroughs & Beginnings

Learning Tarot and find yourself unsure where to begin? Just pulled an Ace in a reading? Confused as to how to distinguish the Aces from each other? As a card that often represents a breakthrough, consider this a fitting read! Let’s put any confusion to rest in unpacking what Aces

Why You Need to Do a Tarot Deck “Interview”

Welcoming a Tarot deck into your life is no small ordeal. Whether you’re still in the deck selection process or have successfully acquired the deck of your dreams, it’s no secret that bonding with a Tarot deck is incredibly important alongside your Tarot reading journey. While all bonding techniques are

Tarot for Scorpio: Which Tarot Cards Represent Scorpio?

Scorpio season brings the Scorpionic energy to the fray – this is a time for upheaval and being honest with oneself and others, which can lead to sudden and shocking events that have the potential to turn our lives upside down. In Libra, our desire to keep things harmonious and

Using Tarot to Find Your Dream Partner

Ah, your dream partner, your twin flame, your one true love. The one we fantasize over, yearn for and dream of. Where are they? Why have they not yet appeared? When will they appear? Will they appear? So many questions, so little time – at least, that’s how many of

A Skeptic’s Guide to Tarot

​There is an odd phenomenon among those in the metaphysical arts community, where we’re inclined to only believe in certain systems of divination and healing. Some might swear by astrology, but scoff at the idea of astrocartography – despite being branches of the same tree; there are people who don’t

Tarot Card Meanings Made Simple: Each Major Arcana Card Explained

It seems there is a growing interest in tarot and tarot card meanings these days as the mysterious underground arts are coming into mainstream society. Before you get a tarot reading, it’s good to understand what the tarot can offer you and how helpful it can be. Learning tarot is

Want to Have an Amazing Day? Let the Tarot Guide You

How many times have you woken up and wondered whether or not you are going to have a good day? Maybe there’s something big on the agenda that you are worried about, or maybe you just have a feeling something great, or bad, is going to happen and you aren’t

Lucky Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs

Luck isn’t usually something you can bank on. It happens whether you’re ready for it or not. And while even astrology can’t dictate exactly how luck will find you at any given time, it can help predict when. Planets move in one of two ways: direct (forward, at a normal

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