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The Alternative Animal for Your Zodiac Sign, Using Tarot Cards

You may be quite familiar with the standard symbolism that is attached to each zodiac sign. They’re quite important, after all! Aries is the ram, Taurus is the bull, so on and so forth. Each of these symbols, often in animal form, has rich meaning and importance that enhance our

You Pulled the Moon Tarot Card – Now What?

​At this time of writing, a bright, brilliant Full Moon in Capricorn fills the sky, illuminating the night in its radiant, reddish glory. How apt that it is the 18th card of the Major Arcana, the Moon, that is the topic of this article. The Moon is mysterious. The Moon

You Pulled The Sun Tarot Card – Now What?

The planetary Sun nourishes everything around us and illuminates the shadows in our lives. It has this in common with the 19th card in the Major Arcana: the Sun! The Sun Tarot card always brings good vibes in a reading (unless surrounded by grim cards or cards sending a grim

These 6 Tarot Cards Predict Good Luck

We consult the Tarot every day for the widest range of things — our curiosities on love, the latest work drama, our lingering heartbreak, or whatever else may be on our minds. Among these deep, dark, and serious topics, though, we may also get an inkling of something much brighter

You Pulled the Lovers Tarot Card – Now What?

​The Lovers Tarot card is a card that people love to see in relationship readings because it usually denotes the meeting of a soul mate or life partner; at the very least, someone with whom you share a deep bond and connection on a romantic level. Indeed, it is considered

knight of pentacles

You Pulled the Knight of Pentacles – Now What?

Appearing just after the Page of Pentacles, the Knight of Pentacles brings messages of patience, determination, and grit. Knights in the Tarot represent the fire aspects of their suits. This means that all knights are symbols of action, change, and movement. The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest and most

array of different tarot cards spread out on a white table

You Pulled the Ace of Swords – Now What?

The first card of the Swords suit in the Tarot is the Ace. Like all Aces, the Ace of Swords is the seed, the spark, the beginning, and, above all, representing great potential. The Ace of Swords represents all possible in the realm of truth, justice, mental reasoning, clarity, and

woman sitting at a table dealing out black and white tarot cards

You Pulled the Queen of Swords – Now What?

If you have pulled the Queen of Swords in your reading, then prepare for an energy that is sharp, honest, intellectual, truthful, and cuts to the heart of the matter. The Queen follows the Knight, and while the Knight of Swords also possesses the same sharpness and wit, he has

pair of hands holding a king of swords tarot card

You Pulled King of Swords – Now What?

The final card of the Swords suit is the King of Swords. Kings represent the mastery of their element. This is the young Page who has matured and learned through experience and challenge how to wield his gifts to their best ability. It is the Knight whose impulsion and inexperience

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

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