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Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 14 – 20, 2022

Do you long for exciting conversations, dreamy imagination, and intuition of gold? Then there are three transits occurring this week that are bound to bring you feelings of enthusiasm and creativity! On February 14th, Mercury – the planet of communication and information – is moving into innovative, intellectual Aquarius. This


Your Ultimate Guide to Astrology Astrology is the exciting study of the stars and how they affect the Universe and us. While the information can get quite in-depth and specific, astrology can also be enjoyed and used as a daily guide at a basic level where the knowledge of your

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 7 – 13, 2022

Are you ready for more positive, uplifting vibrations and feelings of hope? Then the mild yet pleasant transits occurring this week will help you feel more relaxed and in alignment with the Universe! While there are no major transits occurring this week, there are a few minor transits that nevertheless

These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn

It’s time to think about the long-term and how we think of some good plans to get us on the path to our dreams! When Mercury turns direct in Capricorn, powerful energy concerning our career, relationship, and life goals is being bestowed upon us. Mercury is the planet of communication.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 31 – February 6, 2022

Have the past few weeks left you feeling disconnected and out of sorts? Then you’re going to want to read all about the most important transit occurring this week that’s bound to bring you some relief. The first big transit this week occurs on February 1st, when we experience a

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 24 – 30, 2022

Do you crave grounded energy, motivation, and more committed intimacy in relationships? Then you’re in for a treat this week because we’ve got three major transits that you need to know about right now. First up, you’ll likely be excited to start your week with ambitious Mars moving into responsible

Annual Profection: All About Astrology’s Best Kept Secret

Predictive astrology can be used to look at what’s coming for you astrologically, and one of the more straightforward methods is the use of annual profections. Annual profections as a technique is thousands of years old and a part of Hellenistic Astrology. With the annual profections, you move from one

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 17 – 23, 2022

Are you ready for emotional release, surprises, and transformational, eccentric energy to take over? Then get cozy and prepare to let your emotional tension go this week.We have three transits occurring this week that will shift our energetic perception and provide certain possibilities for change. To start with, we have

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 10 – 16, 2022

You’d probably like to start off this first month of the new year on the right foot, right? Then it’s time to prepare yourself for a transit that has the potential to make you feel more frustrated than ever or help you learn more about yourself than you have before –

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