Search Results for: zodiac sign power colors Articles

What is the Best Meditation for Your Zodiac Sign? Discover Yours

While we tend to focus on topics like astrology, numerology, and the Tarot at Astrology Answers, today we’re going to switch gears a bit and focus on a little thing called meditation. Maybe you’ve tried meditation before and given up a few minutes in, or maybe the process has always

halloween costume

The BEST Halloween Costume for Your Zodiac Sign

Trick or Treat! It’s that time of year again when the weather changes, the summer is firmly behind us, and we all look forward to the tradition of dressing up and scaring each other. Are you ready for some spooky fun? And most importantly, are you ready to find out

THIS Powerful New Moon Will Help You Manifest Exactly What You Want

Is there a more enthusiastic, exciting time than the New Moon in Aries? This is a transit that amplifies and personifies the meaning of a “new start,” giving you a blank canvas from which to work. It’s a transit that brings the spring miracles you’ve been waiting for – whether

hand holding out a spread of blue tarot cards over a white table with candles and rose petals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 14 – 20, 2022

Sweet, adventurous Sagittarius season isn’t for another week, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to escape the energy of the archer for now, either. That’s right — this week sees Venus enter Sagittarius on the 16th and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 17th. That’s two major planets (one of love

The Monkey of the Chinese Zodiac

Years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 Element: Metal Yin or Yang: Yang Lucky Colours: White, Gold, Blue Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8 Crystal: Topaz Flower: Chrysanthemum Characteristics: Clever, Charming, Social, Persuasive Get Your Free Horoscopes Here Daily Love Career Sex Health Money Chinese The Legend of

The Goat of the Chinese Zodiac

Years: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 Element: Earth Yin or Yang: Yin Lucky Colours: Green, Red, Purple Lucky Numbers: 2, 7 Crystal: Emerald Flower: Carnation Characteristics: Gentle, Comforting, Warm, Peaceful The Legend of the Goat The Goat occupies the eighth sign of the Chinese zodiac and is

Based on your favorite colors, we think you’re a Scorpio!

Scorpio Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Scorpios are pulled toward darker topics, so we can rely on them to prefer darker color shades as well. They are watery and deep, so you can bet they will choose colors that give off those vibes. Dominant personality traits of the

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 9 – 15, 2022

Have you been missing the strange whims and stirrings of Mercury retrograde? Ready or not, we’re buckling in for it this week, as Mercury goes retrograde on the 10th. That’s not all, either. Planet of luck and expansion, Jupiter, will enter Aries this week on the very same day, kickstarting

What do All the Crystal Colors Mean?

Everything about crystals is magical – everything! It’s not just about the powerful energy that vibrates within their delicate little orbs. Nor is it just about the individual, unique gifts that each crystal is able to bestow the user. A crystal’s color can tell us a lot about what it

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