Search Results for: zodiac signs calendar 2024 โ€“ Page 10 Articles

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4 โ€“ 10, 2021

Did you know? There are three inner planets switching signs in this weekโ€™s astrology overview. Mars is entering Taurus, Mercury is entering Aquarius, and Venus is entering Capricorn. This will feel like an energetic adjustment and possibly confusing, but it will make waves for some exciting changes. Be sure to

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 28, 2020 โ€“ January 3, 2021

Hello beautiful souls! Are you ready for some magic in your personal life? With so many retrogrades over, we can finally see the future we want and manifest it properly. Thursday night, we get to say โ€œHappy New Yearโ€ as we welcome January 2021 to our lives with the Sun

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 21 โ€“ 27, 2020

Itโ€™s time to find out what magic is in store for you with the spectacular Great Conjunction and winter solstice happening on December 21st! The weekโ€™s astrology overview kicks off with the sacred winter solstice on the same day the Sun moves into the Earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn season

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 9 โ€“ 15, 2020

This week Mars is stationing direct on Friday, and we will feel like we are coming out of our energetic hibernation! There is a lot to talk about this week, but the best part is that there is no gloom and doom ahead right now. In fact, November 2020 astrology

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 17 โ€“ 23, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of August 17 โ€“ August 23 beautiful souls! Last week was full of change. This weekโ€™s astrology overview has some big and exciting events. If youโ€™ve felt like the energy this month has been a little too intense, this is the week

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 27 โ€“ August 2, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of July 27 โ€“ August 2 cosmic explorers! We Begin With a First Quarter Moon Last week we said goodbye to Cancer season. This weekโ€™s astrology overview starts with the first quarter Moon, which always represents a mini-crisis, but donโ€™t fret! This

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 20 โ€“ July 26, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of July 20 โ€“ July 26 cosmic warriors! A New Moon in Cancer Arrives The weekโ€™s astrology overview starts out with something magical (even more magical than last week)! Get ready for your intuition and psychic abilities to be heightened with the

Weekly Astrology Overview: July 13 โ€“ 19, 2020

Welcome beautiful souls! Itโ€™s time for your astrology forecast for the week of July 13 โ€“ July 19! We have a relatively quiet week, but we can expect to be cleaning out the metaphorical subconscious closet once again, due to the intense retrograde energy that still surrounds us. The healing

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: February 24 โ€“ March 1, 2020

Greetings, Earthlings! Did you charge your crystals and your Tarot cards under last weekโ€™s Piscean New Moon? Did you update or revisit your vision board? Or maybe you took a more practical approach and simply set a few small (or big) goals for the next 2 weeks leading up to

How Venus Placements Affect the Way We Love

While astrology is traditionally focused on the major planet placements, such as the Moon and Sun, your Venus placement can explain a lot about the way you love. Venus rules over both the signs Libra and Taurus, and as such, is associated with love and money, albeit in a complex,