Search Results for: zodiac signs calendar 2024 – Page 11 Articles

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: November 18-24, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings. It’s adventure time! After last week, Sagittarius love is upon us and we are expected to enjoy life to the fullest with Venus currently in Sagittarius. This week the Sun joins the party and Sagittarius season officially begins! This is an exciting time of the year. We are

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: October 7-13, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! It’s our second week of October. After a spooky start to our month, we are now in our first full 7-day week of the month. So already we are starting October feeling a little bit behind the magic 8 ball. And, as energy picks up for Fall, the

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: September 30 – October 6, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings! After the stress of last week, we have a fun week on the docket, with a few planets making some major changes. We are officially one full week into the Fall calendar, and Air sign Libra is getting a lot of love from Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and

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