Search Results for: zodiac signs calendar 2024 – Page 5 Articles

venus in scorpio

Here is EXACTLY What Venus in Scorpio Means – Read Your Love Horoscopes NOW

Brace yourself! Venus moves into Scorpio on September 22nd, 2024! Chances are, if you know quite a bit about Venus – the planet of love and relationships – and Scorpio – the sign of intensity and jealousy – then you’ve probably got a good idea of what happens when these

Everything You Need to Know About Mars Entering Cancer

We’re about to experience an epic and conflicting transit involving Mars, the planet of assertive energy and motivation, and Cancer, the sign of emotional sensitivity and intuition. These two energies don’t naturally jive. In fact, they’re quite opposing forces – so when they come together, we can experience quite a few challenging

four women leaning into each other with their eyes closed in nature

Pluto is Moving BACK Into Capricorn – Here’s EXACTLY What This Means

The planet of transformation, Pluto, is soon going back to Capricorn, a zodiac sign it’s toured for more than a decade. Pluto began to move into Aquarius starting last year and officially entered Aquarius to stay in November. But before then, it has one last tour of Capricorn first! Pluto goes back

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Virgo

Virgo season is on its way, meaning it’s the best time of the year to celebrate our earthy, sensible, health-conscious Virgo friends – and the way they love us! Virgo is the hard-working, down-to-earth sixth sign of the astrological calendar, and when they say they’re going to get something done,

leo new moon

THIS Upcoming New Moon is About to Reveal Some Exciting Insights

The season of the lion is finally here! That’s right. It’s Leo’s time to shine once again in all their bright, bold, and glamorous glory. While the Sun is burning bright in this playful sign, we can also look forward to a glowing New Moon in the feisty sign of

THIS is What Feisty Leo Season Means for You

Are you ready to step out into the public eye, take on a leadership role, or finally drum up the courage to ask that special someone out on a date? Well, you might be soon! Starting on July 22nd, 2024, the Sun moves through the outgoing sign of Leo. This

woman in a pink suit holding out a brightly decorated cake

This Upcoming Week is THE Week for Abundance & Wealth – Find Out Why

Prepare for the incoming Venus in Leo on the 11th, which brings vast opportunities with it! When Venus enters the Fixed Fire sign of Leo, we are more generous with our money, and, as such, this generosity is amplified by our ability to attract more. You know what they say—whatever

man in all red standing against a red backdrop

You NEED to Read THIS Horoscope for Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

The planet of restriction and responsibility, Saturn, is going to start a retrograde period in just a few days, on June 29th, 2024. This will last until November 15th, 2024, entirely in the zodiac sign of Pisces. So, what exactly does that mean? About Saturn in Astrology Saturn is the

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