Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

This week is full of wonderful changes and surprises, and the 13th is a red-letter day to keep an eye out for; the Sun will align at the exact same degree as rebellious Uranus, both of which are currently roving through Taurus and your 11th House of Social Networks. While you might be the kind of person to stick to the tried-and-true, more often than not anyway, under an alignment like this you might be more than a little tempted to break out of any confines you usually let yourself be boxed within. You’re on an extended tour of redefining how you relate with others on a platonic level, and that isn’t always going to be smooth sailing. Sometimes rough waves will come your way, but that is no reason you can’t brace the storm and come out stronger on the other side.

If you’ve been focusing on work nonstop lately just know that it has been cosmically mandated. Messenger Mercury has been traveling through your 10th House of Career for the last couple of months, but come the 15th it will leave this oil-burning sector, not to return for another year. For the next few weeks Mercury will be rotating through Taurus and your 11th House of Global Communications, so expect to be reconnecting with a lot of people you might have missed while you were so busy working your way up life’s great latter. Alternately, this section of your chart rules over humanitarian efforts, so if you find yourself in a position to help others this cycle could present you with some great opportunities to do so. The world is more in need of communal feeling and support than ever before, and few people can bring that into the world quite like you can.

Mercury will be rather busy while it’s here, and very shortly after arriving in Taurus it will square off Pluto in your private 8th House, so don’t be shocked if you feel like you’re being pulled in two very different directions. That vibration will calm down soon as Mercury moves quickly.

The last event of the week is anything but minor, as the skies will glow with a major conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter on the 18th, a conjunction which only occurs once a year and will blend their energies into something powerful. This year around they are meeting up in Taurus and your altruistic 11th House, so this would be a terrific time to chat people up and even broaden your friend group with a few new additions. Jupiter wants to create opportunities for you, so be sure you talk to people and see what’s going on, because you never know who could turn you on to your next exciting project.

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