Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

This week features some of the most electric and exciting alignments of the year, Capricorn, and it looks like you have every reason to enjoy what’s coming your way. Uranus, the planet of rebellion and eccentricity, will align at the exact same degree as the Sun in Taurus and your 5th House of Passion and Pleasure, jolting you to attention when it comes to a plus-one or other exciting option. Single Caps should hop on an app and start swiping because you could come across someone who truly stands out from the rest of the herd, while couples should try to find ways to spice up their relationships. This sector also deals with creativity, so be sure to let the Muse out if she comes calling; fame could be your reward!

The 15th offers you a lovely dose of positivity as messenger Mercury zooms into Taurus and your 5th House for his annual stay, giving you the chance to hop aboard the planetary pleasure cruise. This transit is a great time for pumping up your love life, so whether single or attached, you have a clear window to go the distance right now, even if conditions don’t look that clear at the outset. This is also an exceptionally creative period for you, so if you are given to any kind of artistic pursuit make sure to take them off the backburner and give them all your attention and firepower because now more so than ever could see these passion projects turn into a true means of income.

Mercury won’t make this move quietly, however, as within a matter of hours it will square off Pluto in your income sector, so even if you are in the mood to kick back, you may have to instead roll up your sleeves and focus on a financial matter or two.

The general vibration of the 18th is so positive you’ll have trouble missing it, since the Sun and Jupiter will also be syncing up at the same degree of Taurus and your 5th House of Pleasure, sending a cosmic shockwave through the universe. This is truly a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of, as the universe will do all it can to make sure you enjoy yourself. The only caveat is to not go overboard in your search for satisfaction; so long as you keep an eye on yourself you should be just fine. Jupiter has been here since last May, and will be moving on again to Gemini next week, so this could mark a special culmination of all you’ve been working towards over the last year!

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