Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

Life could feel like a fabulous dream this week, Gemini. Things pick up on the 13th, when the Universe performs one of the major acts in its repertoire as the Sun in Taurus aligns at the exact same degree as rebellious Uranus, also floating through Taurus and your dreamy 12th House of the Subconscious on an extended seven-year tour. If there has ever been a day when you feel just plain off this would be it, so if you think you’re about to blow a gasket don’t just chalk it up to normal circumstances. While this might be a frustrating time, you can actually use it to your advantage in creative manners, leaning into your intuitive thinking and channeling whatever guides might be there to help your inner muse emerge. There is something of a genius energy to this aspect, so don’t be scared to let your inner Einstein out to play. You could also release some major baggage at this time, making it important that you allow the reverberating energy of Uranus to take you where it may.

For the last couple of months your ruler, messenger Mercury has been rotating through Aries and your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communications, so you’ve been tuned into what just about each and every person has been saying, albeit on one social media platform or another. This is all well and good, after all it is important to remain informed during this confusing time, but there is such a thing as information overload, even for an intelligent sign like yourself, so it’s a good thing that come the 15th Mercury will be leaving Aries and diving headfirst into Taurus and your sleepy 12th House. During this time, you should absolutely lean into your more creative side, and don’t do everything by the book–if you tend to follow one, that is. This is the time to take your foot off the gas and just coast along, but since the primal Sun will soon be illuminating this same sector of your chart something tells me you’ll have no problem doing this. The fact that Mercury will square off Pluto just after it arrives in Taurus could open your mind up to some possibilities beyond your usual experiences and expectations. Pluto can make you feel a little desperate, however, so don’t think you need to go so far that you wind up feeling lost in the process.

The 18th closes out on anything but a quiet note, when the Sun and Jupiter align at the same degree of your 12th House of the Subconscious, signaling a time when you might prefer to be on your own, rather than getting together with anyone else. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, and you can use this energy to help you get clear about what you want to bring into your life once you’ve made some room for it all. The 12th House is also a very creative sector, so if the Muse comes calling be sure to answer because you could create some really impressive projects if only you’re willing to let yourself channel this otherworldly energy. Jupiter enters your sign next weekend, so get ready for a major shift!

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