Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

Career moves are coming fast and loose this week, Leo. The 13th is a day of major astrological fireworks with a can’t-miss transit lighting up the heavens above. Uranus, currently in Taurus and your 10th House of Professional Success, will align at the exact same degree as the Sun, giving you the urge to act out on the public stage. If there has ever been a time to mix up your approach to work this would be it; if you’ve been feeling a little bit stunted then today you’re going to feel like a rocket trying to blast through the roof, so let yourself go as far as you can so long as you don’t lose sight of yourself and everything else you want. This sector also rules the VIPs in your life, so feel free to reach out to a mentor or supervisor for some words of wisdom; their answers are sure to surprise you–albeit pleasantly.

On a different note, life has probably felt more than a little surreal lately, and you would hardly be blamed for feeling that way. What with everything going on it has been nearly impossible to get a clear read on people’s intentions, but your focus is about to shift to something very concrete as come the 15th messenger Mercury leaves Aries and your travel sector and bounds into stable-minded Taurus and your 10th House for the next couples of weeks.

That being said, Mercury will be squaring off Pluto in your 7th House of Partnerships almost as soon as it arrives in Taurus, so don’t be shocked if this change comes with some important conversations or run-ins with an important person or two. Just beware letting your own ambitions get in the way of a good connection

The 18th has one more major opportunity for you to make a name for yourself, namely when the Sun and Jupiter align at the same degree in Taurus and your career sector. A fabulous opportunity could come your way, or perhaps you decide to set out on a bold new path in order to chase after your dreams. A VIP or supervisor may also be especially helpful in boosting you up the ladder, so don’t be shy about asking for what you want or where you’d like to be. Think big and there isn’t any reason you can’t achieve everything you’d hope for.

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