Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

The week could bring a curveball or two your way, although that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Sag! The 13th will feature one of the most can’t-miss alignments of the year. Revolutionary Uranus, hanging out in Taurus and your 6th House of Daily Work for an extended seven-year stay, will align at the exact same degree as the Sun, sending an electric shock through the Universe. If there has ever been a time to try taking a different approach to an old problem this would be it; the cosmos will reward originality right now, so don’t be scared to stand out from the herd. Since these planets are meeting up in your responsible 6th House, you might notice some strange events at the office, or a client might bring some very surprising news your way; there’s no telling whether this will be good or bad because this alignment doesn’t fall into either category; it is, however, very powerful, so you’ll have a hard time missing it either way.

Next, on the 15th, messenger Mercury will enter Taurus and your 6th House, which is all about turning yourself into the most efficient version of yourself; a lean, green, efficiency machine, if Mercury help you improve the general flow of your life and make sure that you are crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s. That being said, Mercury won’t make this entrance quietly as shortly after it arrives in Taurus, it will square off alchemical Pluto in your 3rd House of Communications, so you may be tempted to go off and party with friends rather than focusing on the work at hand, or perhaps you get caught up in gossip that keeps you from tending to your work. A little chatting is fine, but not when it causes you to miss a deadline!

This can-do energy gets amplified on the 18th when the Sun and Jupiter both meet up in Taurus and your 6th House. This could be a very powerful time for you at work, perhaps scoring a lucrative client or hiring on some much-needed help, or perhaps you reach a major mark in your goals to become a healthier, better version of yourself. Jupiter and the Sun only meet up once a year like this, and generally always in a different sector of your chart, so do your best to make proper use of this productive and positive energy; fortunately, since Jupiter is your ruler, you should be able to do this without too much effort.

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