Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024

This week could feel rather boundless, Virgo. The 13th features one of the biggest events of the year, when the Sun will align at the exact same degree as rebellious Uranus, currently on an extended seven-year tour of Taurus and your 9th House of Expansion and Adventure. A sudden whirlwind trip may be in order, but if you can’t go off on a literal adventure right now, how about quenching your thirst for wanderlust with a bit of armchair exploring? Dive into a subject that you’ve never examined before and you’ll wind up coming back with a lesson or nugget of information that improves your life in many unexpected ways. The 9th House is also the house of self-edification, so if there’s ever been a time to invest in yourself by learning something new this would be it; this alignment also sends an eccentric jolt through the sky so don’t be scared to let your inner Einstein out to play.

Next, it’s time to ask, how wide is your world? If it has felt a little bit smaller than you’d prefer lately things are about to open up as your ruler, messenger Mercury, dives out of Aries and your intimate 8th House of Secrets, and moves into Taurus and your far-flung 9th House for the next few weeks. Your sign is one of the most intelligent of the zodiac, so if anyone could find a way to make good use of this energy, it would certainly be you. The 9th House indeed rules higher education, so if you’ve been considering returning to school to pursue a degree or other sort of accolade, just know that this transit could bring an opportunity to do so your way.

That being said, Mercury will be quite active while it’s visiting this exciting territory. Right after entering Taurus it will square off Pluto in your responsible 6th House, so don’t be entirely shocked if you feel a bit of a dichotomy between what you want to do and what you have to do. Don’t try to buck convention just because you feel a bit confined; that feeling will soon pass.

There’s one final power house moment on the 18th as the Sun and Jupiter, both in Taurus and your 9th House of Adventure, sync up in a special conjunction that only happens once a year. This is considered one of the luckiest times of the year, so you would be wise not to sit back on your laurels and let the world pass you by. Jupiter just so happens to naturally rule this sector of your chart, so you’ll have the needed energy to forge ahead with new plans of action. Look beyond your usual boundaries for new possibilities, because this energy is all about bringing the new and unknown into your life. The further you go, the more satisfaction you’ll find.

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