Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

This week brings freedom and intensity in equal measure, so be willing to dive into both. On the 29th, romantic Venus will finish up her annual tour of Aries and your secretive 8th House, and bound into Taurus and your garrulous 9th House of Expansion, following after the Sun, Uranus, and Jupiter. With this shift in the skies, while the world might have felt very boxed up, romantically speaking, your options are going to suddenly feel much more endless. Couples can look forward to bringing a little spice and excitement into the bedroom, so don’t be afraid to try something new, while singles should widen their search radius.

Next, on the 30th, Mars leaves Pisces and your 7th House of Partnerships and moves into Aries and your 8th House of Shared Resources for the next six weeks. This is going to be an extensive dive into the deepest layers of your psyche, as this transit really encourages you to get into the weeds and do some major exploring of what, exactly, makes you tick. As stated, this realm of your chart deals with shared finances and resources, so be careful about racking up a large credit card bill during this period, and if you have your assets tied up with anyone else’s then they might come into the foreground for discussion during the next two months before Mars moves on again.

On the 2nd there is a major change as alchemical Pluto turns retrograde for the next five months, and although he will begin this phase in Aquarius, he will also retrograde into Capricorn and your 5th House of Passion, which is very important as this is the last time that will happen for several centuries. While Pluto is occupying this sector, he’s doing a major renovation of the way you express and receive love, and while that is often a two-person dance, during this retrograde you need to focus on your own specific role in whatever performance you’re taking part in. It’s easy to blame others for things that upset us, but we often have more responsibility for matters than we realize. Also, if you’re working away at a creative project, something you might consider your “baby,” then this is going to be a time to go back and make sure it’s truly reflective of all the ideas you’ve got brewing within you.

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