Life Path Number

Similar: Numerology, Numbers 1-33

The Life Path number (also called the number of destiny) is the most important numeral in any numerology reading. It is calculated based on your full date of birth.

Your Life Path number is usually a single-digit number from 1 – 9, but in some cases, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are also included. These double-digit numbers are called master numbers and are said to have twice the power or influence of the single-digit numbers. 

Your Life Path number is similar to the Sun sign in astrology as, in numerology, it acts as the focal point of our personality and being. From this number, you can draw inspiration and motivation in work, love, and destiny. It stays with you throughout your entire life, hence why it is called your life path. 

Don’t know your number? Use our Life Path Number Calculator to determine yours. Or you can follow the example below to calculate your own. 

Example: Your birthday is on November 22nd, 1995. 

  1. You add the numbers in your birth date together. In our example, the date is the 22nd.(2 + 2 = 4).

  2. Add your month by simplifying it into a single-digit numeral. In this case, since November is 11, we will need to add 1 and 1 together. (1 + 1 = 2).

  3. Add all the numbers in your birth year together. In our example, the year is 1995 (1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 24). 

    1. In this case, we will need to reduce our total into a single-digit number. (2 + 4 = 6)

  4. Now add all the simple digit numbers together (4 + 2 + 6 = 12) and reduce further if needed. (1 + 2 = 3)

Therefore in this example, the person’s Life Path number would be 3. This means that the person in the example is a social butterfly, a curious and intellectual person who loves to debate. 

If you want to know more, a good numerologist can help you interpret just how the strengths and challenges of your life path number influence your life and the situations in it.

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