Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

The energy is changing in an exciting way this week. Come the 29th, romantic Venus will leave your sign, where she has been rotating since the beginning of the month. You might have learned a lot of lessons about love during the last month or so, or faced some hard truths about a certain relationship, but it’s time to move on from this as Venus moves into Taurus and your 2nd House of Income for the next four weeks. This will orient your attention onto matters more tangible than emotional, but after the romantic roller coaster you’ve been on, it’s time to finally get things settled with a shift in focus.

Next, your ruler Mars zooms into your sign on the 30th for the first time in two years, kicking off six weeks of major manifestation and motivation, which is sure to see you rocket up life’s ladder at least one wrung or two. If you’ve been spinning your wheels under the current climate, waiting for a green light from the Universe, just know that this is your cosmic sign to go for “it”, whatever that might mean to you. During this time the Universe is going to start sending more opportunities for excitement and pleasure your way–both romantic and platonic–so keep an eye out because you certainly won’t want to miss them when they start showing up on your front door. Mars will be boosting your along until mid-June, so you’ve got an open road ahead of you until then.

On the 2nd, alchemical Pluto will turn retrograde in Aquarius and your 11th House of Social Groups, but while it will be in the sign of the water bearer at first, it will in fact retrograde back into Capricorn and your 10th House of Career for the last visit of your lifetime, making this a very important cycle. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, and while it can cause us to face the darkness surrounding us in the world when it is direct, when he turns retrograde we must turn inward to face the darkness within ourselves. This is not a short journey; it is one you have been on for many years, so don’t expect this to be like a night-and-day transformation; take time to look at how you put your urges and ambitions above the good of others, whether you realize it or not. IS there room next to you at the top of the mountain? If not, you might find yourself getting lonelier than you would have expected.

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