Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

There’s a lot of focus on your home life this week, which might not come as much of a shock given all the planetary energy that has been centered there recently. Venus is traveling through Aries and your 4th House of Home and Family as the week begins, but the skies won’t remain in this pattern for long. Come the 29th, Venus will leave Aries and your foundational 4th House where she has been rotating since the beginning of the month, during which time you had to orient a lot of your attention toward your nearest and dearest, but now Venus is leaping into Taurus and your 5th House of Pleasure, giving you a wonderful chance to enjoy yourself this month. Both couples and singles will benefit from this transit, so know you’ve got plenty to look forward to in the weeks ahead. This is also a very creative cycle, so be sure to let the Muse out to play when the chance arrives.

The next big moment arrives on the 30th; action planet Mars has spent the last six weeks barreling through your social 3rd House, so it looks as though you’ve still been rather busy despite the bizarre pace of life right now. Well, that’s all well and good but the mood changes radically as Mars decamps to Aries and your 4th House of Domestic Matters. Mars tends to boost action wherever he goes, which can be both a good and bad thing; you might engage in more projects around the house and find ways to be more productive during these tough times, but on the other hand you might find yourself bucking up against the people you share a roof with, or perhaps getting a case of cabin fever you just can’t turn down. Either way, you’re going to find your energy is turned towards your hearth and home for a hot minute, so get ready to get domestic.

Pluto will turn retrograde on the 2nd, and while he will begin this phase in Aquarius, he will make one last visit to your own sign, where he has been rotating on an extended tour over the last two decades, slowly redefining and expanding the ways you interact with people and assume roles of power. Pluto is like a storm that comes through and rips up anything that isn’t properly rooted down, so be prepared to go through a bit of a growth phase. While Pluto is direct it’s all about making gains in the outside world, but when it turns inward like this you too must turn inward and examine the shadow side of all your progress; where are you doing things for the good of everyone and where are you doing things just for yourself? Don’t expect to come up with an answer right away; this is a long transit, so you’ve got time to come to terms with whatever it is you unveil within yourself.

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