Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

The start of this week could feel a little nebulous, or even confusing, as on the 29th romantic Venus will leave Aries and your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Networks after having been on tour since early April, and fly into Taurus and your dreams sector for the next four weeks. This is the time to clear your mental decks of any old romantic baggage or toxic behavior that might be getting in the way of your relationship status. By the time Venus enters your sign, you’ll be in perfect shape to receive her beautiful bounty; until then, put on some rose-colored glasses and see where the wind might take you.

You get to change gears into something simpler on the 30th when red hot Mars will leave your ambitious 10th House of Career Goals, and move on to Aries and your garrulous 11th House. Instead of constantly working towards an undefined future in uncertain times, it is now the Universe’s M.O. that you kick back and enjoy yourself a bit. Mars is the planet of action, the planet of go-go-go, but in this easy-going sector he isn’t going to be pushing you to make a name for yourself, but rather to make sure you’re not overexerting yourself, and getting the self-care and satisfaction you need. With all the strangeness in the world, use this time to reconnect with those near and far the best you can; you never know, with Mars kicking up dust here you might come across an opportunity that wings its way to you because of someone you know.

On the 2nd, alchemical Pluto turns retrograde for the next five months. Pluto is currently rotating through Aquarius and your expansive 9th House, but it will return to Capricorn and your intense 8th House for the last visit of your lifetime, so that marks a huge culmination point. Pluto is a very powerful planet, even if it is rather small and floating far, far away; it deals with the very depths of our souls, the most power-hungry parts of us, and where we go to assert ourselves in meaningful ways. With Pluto going into sleep mode, it’s time to look inside yourself and take a good hard look at how your desires and your deepest urges guide the decisions you make. You might not necessarily like what you find, but you need to excavate these things in order for there to be healing and transformation, which is the ultimate purpose of Pluto.

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