Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

You will notice a major shift in the energy around you this week, Libra. On the 29th, your ruler, romantic Venus will leave Aries and your 7th House of Partnerships where it has been orbiting since the beginning of April and move into Taurus and your intense 8th House of Shared Resources for some deep soul-bonding. For the next four weeks you’re not going to be satisfied with casual romance or basic flings; instead, you’ll want someone who is willing to go the distance with you. Singles could find themselves blasting full speed into a new relationship, while couples will benefit from breaking down a few of the barriers that have been creating walls between you.

On the 30th, action planet Mars decamps from your 6th House of Daily Work and moves into Aries for the next six weeks. During this time, pairing up with people will be all the more preferable, so if you are single and have been hoping to meet someone to change your status that could absolutely happen now, even if you have to go on an app to find them as opposed to hitting up your local haunts. Those of you in a couple could experience more action with your partner than you’ve experienced in sometime, but remember Mars can create both pleasure and stress, so you could get both in equal shares under this transit. This same sector of your chart doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships, but anywhere you and another person are on equal ground, be it professional or just friends, so expect people to start popping up in one capacity or another.

A major event occurs on the 2nd, when alchemical Pluto will clock out for the next five months, hitting the snooze button as it turns retrograde. This cycle will begin in Aquarius, but will also include one last tour Capricorn and your foundational 4th House of Home, marking the last time for several centuries that Pluto will visit this part of your chart. Pluto has been taking his sweet time working his way through this extremely personal sector, and for now you’re going to be reviewing some of the power structures that influence and impact your home life. If there are any issues with family or the place you hang your hat it’s time to dive into them and get them sorted, but you don’t need to do it all in a day so don’t get overwhelmed at the prospect. This is for your own good, believe me.

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