Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

You could feel very tuned into yourself this week, Taurus, and it will begin on the 29th when your ruler, romantic Venus will leave Aries and your nebulous 12th of the Subconscious where she has been rotating since the start of April. Love has probably been more than a little confusing for a hot minute, and now it will be possible for you to get a clear grasp on it as Venus moves into your sign and your 1st House of Self-Expression and Action for the next four weeks. Use this time to hit the restart button on your love life and start fresh with someone special, be they new or already by your side. You’re going to be the Universal favorite for a minute, so you might as well enjoy it!

The energy is both slowing down and speeding up this week, and things take a turn for the gentle on the 30th when Mars moves out of your 11th House of Social Networks, and dives into Aries and your dreamy 12th House. There is something of a confounding mix-up about Mars hanging out in this sector of your chart; Mars is all about the go-go-go but when planets move into this territory they want to take their sweet time doing just about anything. The 12th House is also the realm of letting go, so having the planet of action here can seem like something of a dichotomy. Instead of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, do your best to lean into this transit by increasing the amount of time you spend in creative pursuits. This is an extremely inspirational cycle, so if you’ve got time on your hands, why not do a bit of crafting or art? If you’ve got any musical skills this would be the perfect time to let them shine, or perhaps indulge in a bit of romantic poetry, the sappier the better.

On the 2nd, alchemical Pluto will turn retrograde for five months, a phase that begins in Aquarius and your 10th House of Career, but will then switch into in Capricorn and your 9th House of Expansion for a little while later this year, marking the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn for several centuries. Pluto is an exceptionally powerful planet, despite its size and distance, and when it is moving forward it can point the way to power and transformation that exists outside of us, but when it turns retrograde we must look within ourselves to ascertain these things. For the next five months you’re going on a mission to question and reevaluate your deepest beliefs, and perhaps along the way you’ll outgrow a few outdated ideals which no longer help you. Why carry around useless baggage? Lighten the load!

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