pisces Monthly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the Month of: May 2024

May - Welcome to May, you enchanting Pisces! Last month, you found yourself moving through an intense eclipse that highlighted your finances. There were much-needed revelations and now May calls you to a higher level of consciousness so you can make some life-changing decisions. You can trust that a win-win outcome is predicted. However, you need faith now more than ever. So, let's unpack your monthly horoscope.

Pluto turns retrograde on May 2, unearthing fears, doubts, or unresolved issues holding you back from inner harmony, peace, and balance. Pluto retrograde lasts several months, so engage in introspective practices such as meditation, journaling, or therapy to unearth hidden truths and release emotional baggage.

Then, a New moon arrives on May 7, providing you with an edge in negotiations, strategizing for the future, and plotting your next move. In Taurus, the moon encourages you to be mindful and not rush the process in matters of wealth and material gain.

Mercury enters Taurus on the 15th and causes a little anxiety. Or perhaps your sleep pattern shifts. Either way, you will find yourself in a beneficial position to actualize your dreams, with meticulous planning and standing on business. You may also want to clean up old texts, emails, and contacts. Expect technology glitches or need to update your phone.

Then, the Sun mingles with your ruling planet Neptune on May 19, enhancing creativity and intuition. This is an ideal time to blend spirituality with your artistic side and explore different avenues of self-expression. At the same time, Mars teams up with the North Node, fueling your determination and pushing you to chase your goals, especially in money matters. This is also another call to have faith that you can create the roadmap to financial freedom in your life.

Gemini season begins the next day, bringing with it all the puzzle pieces, so your life can fully come together. You may have to make some crucial decisions that require a blend of intuition and intellect. Know you are on the right path. If you still need more clarity, look at your past lessons to guide you.

A Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on May 23, inspiring a massive purge of the past, letting go of that old version of yourself, tuning into your higher self, and stepping into this new version of who you truly are.

Full moons are periods of magic, completion, release, and manifestation. Major achievements are unfolding and you may find it challenging to be flexible. You may learn about a high-paying job opportunity, reach a personal milestone or, hell, maybe you'll go viral. You are busy both personally and professionally. Focus on learning to recognize your inherent gifts, talents, and values.

Simultaneously, Venus moves into Gemini, and there may be some minor issues in relationships. However, you will receive the support and answers you need from your loved ones. Pay attention to your dreams and messages you receive from the universe as they hold the answers you need to guide you through this life chapter.

Jupiter joins the fun and enters Gemini on May 25. Between Venus and Jupiter shifting into Gemini, luck, health, and wealth will support you during this period and enhance your personality and connections. You are cautioned to avoid excess or overindulgence. In addition, Jupiter is in Gemini and focuses your attention on home, family, siblings (if any), or other family members, and emotional connections. You may find yourself exploring your roots and nurturing family relationships while overdoing it by trying to redecorate your living space. Avoid purchasing unnecessary items. Find a way to give back to others.

In summary, this month is about answering a higher calling and surrounding yourself with love. Make space for forgiveness and let your heart play, live, and love. You may feel it's a moment of judgment, but rest assured, success is within your reach.

Self-care tip: Prioritize self-care to balance anxiety, restlessness, or spaciness. Begin each day with grounding practices like meditation or deep breathing. Take moments to connect with nature, whether it's a stroll outside or sitting under a tree. By focusing on self-care, you can find stability and peace throughout the month.

May's affirmation: "I have faith and truly believe everything and anything is possible."

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