The first letter of your soul mate’s name is C!


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 In the spirit world, C symbolizes receptiveness. You certainly desire someone who can cater to your needs and be receptive to your powerful emotions. You are someone who enjoys the finer things in life, and you have a knack for spotting a good thing when you see it. Your soul mate is just like you. They have a sharp mind and can succeed in anything they set their mind to.

This is something you respect about them, and the relationship will be one of great mutual understanding. Sometimes the two of you may get a bit too caught up in the material world and lose sight of the underlying meaning. Still, during these times, you can pull one another back to a balance between the material and spiritual by going on retreats and engaging in quality time together. Your C soul mate really gets you. It’s the most wonderful partnership because both of you value the importance of hard work and enjoying the pleasures of life.

If you haven’t already found your special C soul mate, remember they are out there, and they are searching for you too. You may sense this person in dreams, seeing a face you’ve never seen before. Remember, keep looking out for the letter C in your dreams, in signs on TV or in books, randomly in the street. It’s a message from the Universe that your soul mate is on their way to you!

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