Current Astrology News

A woman with pale skin and hair has her eyes closed and is surrounded by daisies.
Astrological Forecasts

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 31st – April 6th, 2025

We have had a very calm and chill week in terms of astrological transits, especially compared to the last one, which was very intense and eventful. As we always say, take advantage of this week and use it as a time to rest, relax, recalibrate, and rejuvenate after having to ...

Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!)

Let’s get this out of the way—we’ve all got flaws. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to date—or not. This doesn’t mean you don’t have strengths, and this doesn’t mean you can’t work on being better. Yet, it all starts with recognizing where your ...

The Intuitive Houses: How the 4th, 8th, & 12th Houses Affect You

Astrology is a many-layered, complex thing. To some degree, everyone has an idea of astrology. You may know your Sun Sign as indicated by the day you were born, or your Rising Sign as indicated by the hour you were born. But astrology is more than just signs and planets. ...
A fan of brown Tarot cards on a brown table surrounded by yellow stones.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: March 31st – April 6th, 2025

Knock knock — your weekly Tarotscope is here, and new energy is coming along with it! Transitioning from one month to the next may not seem like a major shift on first glance, but it can be a profound time of setting new intentions and letting go of any old ...
woman with curly black hair and a ram tattoo on her arm

Where is Aries in Your Birth Chart?

It’s Aries season, Earthlings, which means Aries energy is strong right now. And we’re all a little more “Aries” at the moment: excited and energetic, taking initiative, and going forward with enthusiasm. Even if you’re not an Aries Sun, you still have Aries in the birth chart somewhere (everyone does), ...

Love & Relationships


Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!)

Let’s get this out of the way—we’ve all got flaws. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to date—or not. This doesn’t mean you don’t have strengths, and this doesn’t mean you can’t work on being better. Yet, it all starts with recognizing where your ...

How to Create a Crystal Grid for Love & Abundance

If you’re browsing the content here at Astrology Answers, there is an excellent chance that you’re already familiar with the incredible healing power of crystals. But did you know that there are myriad manners in which to work with crystals and that experimenting with your crystal healing process can actually ...
A black woman closes her eyes in pleasure as she enters through a shiny, glittery silver door covering.

These 6 Zodiac Signs are Most Compatible with Pisces

One of the most loving signs of the zodiac is easy-going Pisces. Pisces are a gift to this world because of their ability to see beauty where others would not. Their creative, open minds allow them a unique sensory experience of being human, so the zodiac signs that are compatible ...
A couple in denim shirts stand next to each other, looking away with consternated expressions on their faces.

These are the WORST Zodiac Love Matches

Ah, love! Inevitably, some zodiac signs are more compatible with one another than others. Looking at how your zodiac signs measure up can help you determine if this love is meant to last. While it might not tell you the whole story, it can definitely offer a foundational starting point, ...
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