Based on your favorite colors, we think you’re a Capricorn!

The sign for Capricorn looks like an "n" with a circular tail added to the end


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Capricorns don’t like colours that are too ‘out-there’ because they prefer things to be realistic and grounded. Just like their personality, Capricorns tend to prefer Earthy tones or standard colors more than obscure shades.

Personality traits of the typical Capricorn include their strong work ethic, practical nature, loyalty, logical minds, and leadership skills. Capricorns are known for being great with growing businesses and managing people, as well as giving solid, level-headed advice. Capricorns often have natural talent in the areas of finance, business, building, real estate, athletics, entrepreneurship, manufacturing, and accounting. 

The Capricorn symbol is the Sea-Goat which represents their determined, persistent, goat-like ability to climb and overcome major obstacles. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which is where they get their sense of responsibility and authoritative, organized minds from. Capricorn is also an Earth sign, so they prioritize the hard work that will allow them to achieve success and stability in life. Earth also imbues their communication style with a particularly direct, blunt energy. 

Capricorns have a knack for remaining consistently calm while providing for themselves and their loved ones. Capricorn’s greatest strengths are seeing what steps need to be taken to improve efficiency, their patience, and their pragmatism. Capricorn’s greatest weaknesses show when their directness comes off as being insensitive and standoffish; also, their money-driven motivation can sometimes result in materialism. 

The best matches for Capricorn are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces who each enjoy having a relationship as much as they do. The worst matches for Capricorn are Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo who will butt heads with Capricorn’s alpha energy. In a relationship, Capricorns are very loyal and expect their partner to be focused on their future. Qualities that most attract Capricorn are being responsible, having a daily routine, and being financially stable and independent.

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