You are 50% Gemini!


Gemini 50%

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You are 50% Gemini! Hmmm, you’re kind of so-and-so with your Gemini-ness! On the one hand, you can be pretty sociable, chatty, intellectually curious, and adventurous. Still, on the other hand, you prefer your quiet time alone and need time to recharge away from the crowds and the go-go-go.

As a 50% Gemini it’s likely you’ve got a few other signs that are pretty dominant in your birth chart, and this would explain why you’re not as Gemini as a Gemini! You value learning, and you like to delve into the arts, but at the same time, you want to contemplate deeply by yourself and focus more on the action side of things rather than the discussion side. You’re pretty compatible with Libra and Aquarius, your fellow Air signs.

Still, you’ve likely got strong compatibility with the Water signs, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer, as there is an emotional depth to you that requires a lot of thought and analysis. You are someone who enjoys relaxation, and you prefer to balance your energies moderately rather than burn them out in one go. Though you are a 50% Gemini, you still struggle with restlessness now and then, and you can be prone to nervousness.

It would be best if you found an outlet for your pent-up energy. You’re smack bang in the middle of the Gemini spectrum, and this brings you a great balance that you can nurture and uphold as you let your Gemini energy light up the world!

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