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Intelligent, ambitious and dedicated, you are the Rat!
Occupying the first sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Rat is known for their excellent strategic abilities and resourceful nature. There is no mountain you cannot climb, no problem you cannot solve. You possess a strong talent for innovation and you know how to come up with bright ideas that actually work. In the Chinese Zodiac legend, the Rat won the race, not because he was the fastest or the strongest, but because his keen thinking gave him the idea to jump on the back of the Ox (who was the fastest) and leap over the finish line at the last second. Like the Rat, you too have no problem thinking of ingenious ideas to bring you success and fulfilment on every level.
Because you have such a sharp mind, you sometimes lack patience for those who are a little on the slow side. As such, your stubborn nature can come out every too often! But if anyone wants to get a job done, they know they can turn to you, the Rat, and that you will put 100% into your task until it is achieved.
In relationships, you prefer to care for and nurture your loved ones. You are a faithful person and once committed you will give your all to a relationship. In the Chinese Zodiac, your most compatible signs are the Ox, Dragon and Monkey. Your special element is water and your lucky colours are blue, gold and green.