The Monkey
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Intelligent, charming and sociable, you are the Monkey!
Occupying the ninth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the Monkey is one of the cleverest characters you could ever come across. Ingenious in their thinking, the wit of the Monkey is so superior that they can often talk rings around people. This makes them highly animated, vibrant company that people can’t get enough of.
Like the Monkey, you are someone who loves a good intellectual challenge. You have a keen sense of cognitive adventure and when it comes to problem-solving, you are second to none. You have a unique ability in sussing people out and being able to analyze their characters quickly; this makes you adept at dealing with people in social situations where you can act as an excellent mediator.
You may need to be careful of your competitive streak as it can lead to jealousy and vanity; but if you are able to harness the better side of your nature, you are a noble and valiant individual who uses your brilliance for the good of others and yourself. You have a thick skin and insults tend to bounce right off you. As a terrific diplomat, you are someone who is able to build bridges in a way that no other sign can.
Relationship-wise, you are best suited to the Rat and Dragon, who both appreciate your sense of innovation and fun-loving sense of humor. You can achieve power-couple status with a Dragon and fantastic intellectual discussions with the Rat. Your special element is metal and your lucky colors are gold, white and blue.