The Emperor Tarot Card Describes Your Life Right Now!

The Emperor

The Emperor

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The card that represents your life right now is THE EMPEROR!

Control and structure are essential themes in your life right now. It could be that you feel things have been spiraling out of control – and you wouldn’t be blamed for thinking that! The unexpected just seem to crop up around the corner and throw you off course.

The Emperor is the fourth card in the Major Arcana and reminds you that you are the master of your destiny, even if it doesn’t always seem that way. The Emperor represents control and order. It is about setting the foundations for a legacy, building a family or career, and being in a position of strength. Above all, the Emperor reminds you of just how strong you truly are! The Emperor can also represent a fatherly figure in your life, someone who can help and guide you – so it is wise to listen to this person, for they have your best interests at heart!

With the Emperor’s energy trickling down on your life, you have uncapped potential to achieve anything you set your mind to. If you are struggling with fears or self-confidence issues, the Emperor sends you self-discipline and structure within, reminding you that these fears exist only in the mind that you can break free of them if you choose.

This energy encourages you to focus on what you want and to go for it. The Emperor tells it as it is and doesn’t suffer fools gladly. It may be time to stop letting everyone take advantage of you. Embrace the Emperor’s energy – he wants what is best for you!

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