THIS is What Feisty Leo Season Means for You

Are you ready to step out into the public eye, take on a leadership role, or finally drum up the courage to ask that special someone out on a date?

Well, you might be soon! Starting on July 22nd, 2024, the Sun moves through the outgoing sign of Leo. This Fire sign awakens our passion, shifting our consciousness so our talents can truly shine.

The Sun moves through all 12 zodiac signs in a year, staying in one sign for about 28.5 days. Every time it goes through a different sign, our consciousness is affected by the main themes of that sign.

For example, when the Sun is in the friendly and adventurous sign of Sagittarius leading up to Christmas, people are more inclined to go to parties.

With our lovely Leos, the themes point to their qualities of playfulness, their loyalty, and their high energy.

With the Sun moving out of the introspective and low-key zodiac sign of Cancer, we can rev up our juices again for a month of action, performance, and entertainment!

Letโ€™s take a closer look at three of the qualities most associated with Leoโ€”Playfulness, Energy, and Loyaltyโ€”and how we, too, can apply their benefits to our own lives!

What Can We Learn From Leo?

Every sign has its own unique abilities and qualities, but the real beauty of the zodiac is how we need all twelve signs to find a complete picture. Looked at in this way, we can count on each other for inspiration, especially when we need to work on some aspect of ourselves.

What, then, can we learn from the friendly sign that is Leo?

Leo is associated with the 5th astrological house of pleasure, Nati, or children. When you have your birth chart read, the sign in your 5th house will speak to the way you choose your leisure and recreational activities and to the things you will find most enjoyable or entertaining.

It also represents children, love, romance, creativity, and self-expression. Leo is associated with all of these traits, so itโ€™s no wonder they are sometimes described as fun-loving and childlike!

1. Itโ€™s Time to Be More Playful

People with playful personalities are usually considered highly attractive to both men and women. Looking to the lighter side of life can be contagious at work and in relationships, and Leos is great at this!

People who take a more playful approach to work can find success, especially as leaders or members of a team. A whimsical person, for example, likely sees the world in a different light and can offer alternate and innovative solutions.

Intellectual playfulness, whether in your job or relationship, would certainly keep things positive, even reducing stress.

These psychologists have found there are four kinds of playful personalities:

  • Other-directed types tend to joke around more with those closest to them.
  • Light-hearted types tend to look at life as a giant game, taking a less serious view of life.
  • Whimsical types are interested in the strange and unusual and are entertained by little, everyday things.
  • Intellectual types can make anything fun and interesting and enjoy exploring new thoughts and concepts.

Being around these folks can also teach us about resilience. Taking a lighter approach to life can open us up to multiple perspectives and resources when the going gets tough. Being more creative is another benefit, just as our sunny Leo friends know it to be.

Looking at the world from multiple angles keeps us open and engaged in our surroundings, easily finding connections.

2. Embrace High Levels of Energy

Fire sign Leo sets a frenetic pace, but this doesnโ€™t have to exhaust us! When channeled, it could serve to inspire what we do, especially at work.

People with high levels of energy are often described as more confident than others, and they have the ability to infuse those around them with their positive spirit. It seems to be easier for them to get their work done and stay focused as well; while the rest of us are trying not to fall asleep after lunch, theyโ€™re finishing yet another project ahead of schedule.

Some of the benefits of having energetic co-workers:

  • They can bump up innovation by being willing and excited to examine new concepts.
  • They may be more likely to see opportunities or mistakes in projects before they are completed.
  • They tend not to be as worried about failing โ€“ after all, there are always more possibilities on the horizon, and theyโ€™re likely to have multiple things on the go.
  • Itโ€™s easy for them to get everyoneโ€™s attention, which means they can be great leaders, teachers, or facilitators.

Who wouldnโ€™t want a teammate like that? You might want to avoid giving them too much coffee and consider bringing headphones to work if you need some quiet time, but generally, having a cheerful, inspired, wide-eyed boss or peer could definitely make your days go by faster!

3. Learn to be as Loyal as the Lion

Another positive Leo trait is their fierce loyalty. Once youโ€™ve proven yourself to be the sign of the lion, youโ€™re in!

The word โ€œloyaltyโ€ gets thrown around a lot, but do we really grasp its meaning and importance? Not sure if you can claim that quality as your own? Check yourself!

Loyalty is about protecting someoneโ€™s privacy and secrets without question, never considering a break in trust. Itโ€™s standing up for your friend, lover, or family member. When someone rags on you, you are an avid defender, often trying to shine a more positive light on them.

For some of us, this comes naturally, but for those who want to learn more, here are some of the benefits of practicing intentional loyalty:

  • Respect will follow when loyalty is proven โ€“ proving yourself to be a trusted ally can win the hearts and minds of those around you, especially in close, personal relationships.
  • There may be less chance of betrayal โ€“ encouraging openness and trust can make us less concerned with hiding things weโ€™re ashamed of.
  • When you mess up, forgiveness can come more quickly โ€“ building a foundation of trust can mean thereโ€™s more understanding and less suspicion.
  • Problems in your world may seem smaller and more conquerable when you donโ€™t have to face them alone โ€“ building a strong bond multiplies your fortitude!

If loyalty is not something youโ€™ve been good at but would like to learn how to be, take a cue from a Leo in your life and start by keeping one secret. Think about coming clean about past gossip or stories and be willing to show your vulnerability.

You might be surprised at how willingly those around you will do the same.

The Benefits of Leo Season

The ability to go after what you want is available to you now. If youโ€™ve been sculpting a plan that involves changing your life, taking a leap, and putting yourself out there, now is the time to take action. Youโ€™re going to have the power of the Sun backing you because the Sun rules Leo.

Your self-esteem will be at its peak during this transit.

A sense of play is the theme of this transit. If youโ€™ve been overly serious, you may not have seen any optimistic options for your career or your love life! Now that you have the charming energy of Leo in the air, you may finally be able to express yourself with more ease, especially in the ways that matter the most.

Itโ€™s time to have fun now.

Do things that are outside of your comfort zone. Sign up for that class, go on that date, change your hair color, and take a step toward the job you always wanted!

The Challenges of Leo Season

Thereโ€™s nothing to be afraid of, itโ€™s just important to know that sometimes when we are feeling overconfident, we may take on more than we can handle. Be aware of saying yes to too many things. Itโ€™s also important that you donโ€™t become arrogant under Leoโ€™s influence. Stay humble, but hold that confidence where you need it so you can make the changes youโ€™ve been dreaming of.

Increased pride will also be something to watch out for.

If you feel like youโ€™re butting heads with people, it could be the pride of the lion who will rarely admit they donโ€™t know it all. Just donโ€™t be a know-it-all, let other people speak, and donโ€™t become overly obsessed with yourself.

People wonโ€™t want to be around you if youโ€™re being an egomaniac! Keep that in check, and youโ€™ll be able to use this energy to move forward without looking arrogant.

Keep Track of These Leo Season Lessons

Leo season is not the only event happening in the Universe! There are always multiple influences going on at any time.

For those who are Leos and have Leo in their birth charts, itโ€™s their time to shine, but those of us who embrace and understand how to use their playful, energetic, loyal influence will benefit as well.

Every sign holds qualities we can learn from โ€“ maybe thatโ€™s why they say opposites attract. Plus, wouldnโ€™t it be super boring if we were all carbon copies of each other?

This is a good reminder to refer to when you feel frustrated or annoyed with people at home and at work. Being different can be a magical opportunity to learn from others, but we sometimes have to look past our own egos to fully embrace the lessons of the zodiac.

Whatโ€™s happening in the Stars right now? Make sure to keep up with our comprehensive astrology calendar.

Thank You and Welcome!

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