A minor planet and comet most often known as the “wounded healer,” Chiron stations direct in Aries on December 15th, after going retrograde in July of this year.
A relatively new discovery in astrology, Chiron travels between Saturn and Uranus, giving this centaur long transits and a sensation of deliberate, important movement. And while we are now in the midst of Sagittarius season, embracing a sensation of discovery and exploration, the truths that have been unearthed and uncovered during Chiron’s retrograde may demand to be examined more closely, utilizing Sagittarius’ fire and passion for knowledge to more deeply understand what we have been moving through.
While Chiron’s location in your birth chart can help you understand which areas of your life may be more challenging or complex, this transit has been impacting all of us in more universal ways.
As we sit in the midst of another eclipse season, after a year that has pushed many of us to our personal limits, looking at Chiron more closely may help you to understand where you are being invited to grow and evolve.
About Chiron Direct & Aries
While retrograde, Chiron tends to unearth old wounds, urging us to explore our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being with an intensity that may not be entirely comfortable. And in the midst of an impossibly difficult year, it may have felt that you were being pushed to the limit, forced to reckon with things that you might prefer to avoid or ignore, powerful emotions or important revelations or difficult, painful truths.
This is a challenging transit, one that can feel intensely personal, one that pushes us into unknown territory.
What revelations have been coming forward for you over the last few months? How have you balanced caring for delicate emotions with honoring the discoveries you’ve made about yourself?
In bold and independent Aries, Chiron can be intense, pushing us to excavate wounds around identity, worth, and freedom. Aries (and Aries’ birth card of the Emperor) is eager and intentional, making detailed plans to help us move with speed and authority towards our goals. As Chiron stations direct, it’s important to make space for awareness and personal power, to reflect and be aware of all that we are moving through.
Aries may bring a sense of restlessness, but this is not a process that can be rushed and must be handled with grace and compassion for the self.
How do you care for yourself when dealing with emotional upheaval? What helps you find calm balance and a sense of peace?
As difficult as this transit can be and as hard as this year has already been, Chiron is not exposing pain simply for the thrill of it. Instead, we have an opportunity to more fully understand what has harmed us and how we can heal in an authentic and lasting way.
Aries likes to be in control and call the shots, yet work with Chiron can push us to investigate less comfortable things, revealing answers that might feel elusive or hard to define.
As Chiron unearths painful history or difficult realities, there may be challenges around power, as Aries prefers to tackle problems head-on rather than taking all of the time for reflection that this transit may require. Whether you’re someone who likes to confront issues immediately or prefers time for thoughtful consideration, this shift encourages us to breathe deeply, consider our long-term goals, and be gentle as we work to understand our sense of self and desire more thoroughly.
Try out this Tarot spread as well: A Tarot Spread for Working Through Eclipse Season
Chiron Direct 3-Card Tarot Spread
With Chiron stationing direct, we can now begin to look more closely at all that has been revealed.
And while your personal ritual for this particular transit may encompass many elements, Tarot is a beautiful way to begin this process of reflection and awareness. The cards have a way of cutting to the core of something, stripping away our defenses and forcing us to look at the reality of our situation through fresh eyes.
This simple spread offers insights into what you may be moving through during this transit and advice on how you can care for yourself while doing this important work.

Card One: Something That Has Been Revealed
2 of Pentacles
Balance may be an ongoing struggle, as you work to prioritize new ideas and the ways that you invest in yourself without completely abandoning old responsibilities.
The 2 of Pentacles often encourages us to consider what new seeds we have recently planted and to do some inner interrogation as to how we can balance what we’ve been working on with all of this new potential.
In this position, this card indicates that there may be opportunities for delegating tasks or shifting resources in a way that helps you honor what you truly care about, while still respecting your own time and energy.
Why do you feel that you have to be the one who does everything? Where could you let go of a few things to make space for what really matters?
Card Two: A Way to Begin the Healing Process
The Sun
By simplifying and focusing on the things that give you true joy, by staying connected with your community and the places that you can celebrate abundance, an authentic and essential healing process can begin.
The Sun is a card of clarity and magic, of embracing the progress that has been made and celebrating the successes that we’ve found.
This is not a time to feel guilty for valuing your mental health and your personal happiness — you are allowed to find joy, to play and laugh, to be present in the moment you’re in rather than always worrying about what will come next.
What makes you feel free?
Card Three: Something to Remember
As powerful as your personal revelations through this transit may have felt, there are larger systems in place, ideas of balance and equality that may impact how you’re able to care for yourself and those you love.
How do your ideals play out in the real world? What power do you find in truth?
Justice asks us to consider what we believe in, what we’re willing to stand up for, as well as to be aware of where those impulses and emotions come from. This is a calling to be objective, to seek the truth, to clarify our purpose, and be realistic about what we really believe is possible.
As you make choices and move forward along your path, consider how you can honor both your needs as well as the broader needs of society, community, and collectives.
How can you do what is right? And how do you decide what that means?
Embrace Your Emotions With Chiron Direct
This sample reading is a call to be present and joyful but to not be afraid to look forward at all the potential that is ahead.
Taking small steps to shift our resources and energy, to put our time and magic into the work we truly care about, can help us to find a sense of both purpose and power, honoring what we believe in and moving with intention. As Chiron stations direct in Aries with Capricorn season around the corner, don’t rush this process of sifting through emotions and old hurts.
What has been coming forward for you, and what can you learn from these lessons? How can you prioritize what really matters, in a way that feels personally authentic?
Related article: Chiron, the Karmic Marker of the Birth Chart
Images created by Meg Jones Wall, featuring cards from the This Might Hurt Tarot.