Rock These Lucky Birth Stones for Your Zodiac Sign

A young woman carefully holds a selection of vibrant gemstones as they reflect the soft sunlight.

Did you think your birthstone was your only lucky stone? Think again!

For the most part, birthstones are marketed by jewelers to sell those particular gems!

These 12 stones are associated with the 12 astrological Sun signs of the zodiac. There is more than one stone for each sign though, depending on different traditions and cultures.

Here are your lucky stones and crystals for your zodiac sign

What is Your Sign’s Lucky Crystal?


As an Aries, certain things make you who you are. This includes the following,

  • Your motto is “I Am.”
  • Aries is a Fire element.
  • Aries is a Cardinal quality.
  • Aries traditionally rules the first house of the zodiac.
  • Aries’ positive traits are passion, purpose, and confidence.
  • Aries’ challenging traits are self-centredness, impatience, and a quick temper.

A lucky birthstone for Aries is the beautiful fire opal. This translucent stone has an opalescent glow that contains flashes of flame colors. It harnesses the qualities of the fire element and gives them an emotional connection, awakening your passion for life.

This stone can also help in developing your sense of self-expression and creativity. Fire opal helps you become more optimistic in your life and promotes confidence when you’re socializing.


The Taurus zodiac sign is represented by a few defining features,

  • Your motto is “I Have.”
  • Taurus is an Earth element.
  • Taurus is a Fixed quality.
  • Taurus traditionally rules the second house of the zodiac.
  • Taurus’ positive traits are sensuality, compassion, and reliability.
  • Taurus’ challenging traits are over-sensitivity, stubbornness, and laziness.

A lucky zodiac stone for Taurus is chrysocolla. It’s called the “stone of communication,” and its beautiful, near-turquoise color blends the energies of the beautiful, near-turquoise color of the Heart chakra and the Throat chakra, so you learn to speak from the heart.

It helps you overcome your anxieties and is a powerful ally when you feel low or despondent.

Using chrysocolla will help you determine when to speak and when to listen, and will assist you with finding the truth, both in your own words and in those of others.


A natural thinker, Gemini is defined by the following traits,

  • Your motto is “I Think.”
  • Gemini is an Air element.
  • Gemini is a Mutable quality.
  • Gemini traditionally rules the third house of the zodiac.
  • Gemini’s positive traits are communication, flexibility, and amiability.
  • Gemini’s challenging traits are restlessness, superficiality, and unreliability.

One of the best zodiac birthstone alternatives for Gemini is the wonderful moss agate. It reflects the colors of the air element with its dappled milky inclusions. This isn’t a high-energy stone, and many Geminis would benefit from this quality to ground their nervous energy or restless mind. This stone helps to bring peace of mind and to calm frazzled emotions.

Moss agate is a Heart chakra stone, and it helps Geminis—and others, for that matter—to learn to love themselves. It also encourages Geminis to not be too controlling in a relationship or to allow someone to have too much control over them.


A lucky stone for this zodiac sign can mean a lot. The Cancer sign is,

  • Your motto is “I Feel.”
  • Cancer is a Water element.
  • Cancer is a Cardinal quality.
  • Cancer traditionally rules the fourth house of the zodiac.
  • Cancer’s positive traits are understanding, nurturing, and loyalty.
  • Cancer’s challenging traits are indecision, moodiness, and melancholy.

We adore carnelian as an alternative zodiac birthstone for Cancer. It may seem like a contradiction, with Cancer being a Water sign and carnelian being a Fire element stone, but sometimes Cancers need that extra push so that they can find their courage and motivation.

Cancers are so sensitive and empathic that they frequently lose themselves in their Water qualities, making them moody and melancholic. A good dose of Root chakra energy to get them motivated again is often all it takes to light a spark under them and bring them back to life.


Leos are defined by their nature. The following bullet points are a quick summary of that.

  • Your motto is “I Will.”
  • Leo is a Fire element.
  • Leo is a Fixed quality.
  • Leo traditionally rules the fifth house of the zodiac.
  • Leo’s positive traits are gregariousness, warm-heartedness, and optimism.
  • Leo’s challenging traits are conceit, narcissism, and jealousy.

For an alternative zodiac birthstone for Leo, you can’t go wrong with garnet. Even though it is frequently associated with the month of January, garnet is a Fire element stone and echoes Leo’s warm and gregarious nature.

Leos have a lot of vitality and natural energy, and garnet harnesses those traits, directing them down more positive avenues.

Leos often set themselves up to fail by expecting everyone to be as warm and sincere as they are, and garnet helps when it comes to accepting that not everyone lives up to Leo’s high standards.


The practical Virgo sign consists of certain traits related to his or her nature,

  • Your motto is “I Analyze.”
  • Virgo is an Earth element.
  • Virgo is a Mutable quality.
  • Virgo traditionally rules the sixth house of the zodiac.
  • Virgo’s positive traits are sincerity, patience, and practicality.
  • Virgo’s challenging traits are criticism, aloofness, and perfectionism.

Amethyst is often attributed to other months, but this gentle purple stone is my favorite alternative zodiac birthstone for Virgo. It’s not an accident that the Pope’s ring has an amethyst stone!

This is a very spiritual and soothing stone, and most Virgos need that—they’re known for being high-strung!

Ruled by Mercury, Virgos usually have a lot of mental activity going on in their heads, and amethyst helps to calm that down, so they can actually hear what their spirit is trying to tell them.

Amethyst is a Crown chakra stone and promotes connection with spirit guides and ascended masters.

Related article: Harnessing the Energy of Your Zodiac Birthstone


Libra does not know what they want but strives for that balance.

  • Your motto is “I Balance.”
  • Libra is an Air element.
  • Libra is a Cardinal quality.
  • Libra traditionally rules the seventh house of the zodiac.
  • Libra’s positive traits are diplomacy, appreciation, and cordiality.
  • Libra’s negative traits are indulgence, indecisiveness, and carelessness.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better alternative zodiac birthstone for Libra than the soothing green jasper. It’s not unusual for Libras to get attached to someone, and when this attachment becomes imbalanced or unhealthy, green jasper pours relaxing energy into the situation. It restores rationality to the thinking process and helps to calm ruffled emotions.

Although all jaspers are connected to the Root chakra, green jasper also works with the Heart chakra, replacing attachment with acceptance, and bringing harmony to unbalanced emotions and feelings.


  • Your motto is “I Desire.”
  • Scorpio is a Water element.
  • Scorpio is a Fixed quality.
  • Scorpio traditionally rules the eighth house of the zodiac.
  • Scorpio’s positive traits are passion, charisma, and loyalty.
  • Scorpio’s challenging traits are possessiveness, pride, and obstinacy.

Malachite is a wonderful alternative birthstone for Scorpio.

Its calming green swirls and soft texture are soothing, something that Scorpio often needs due to having such an intense and complex nature. Malachite is another Heart chakra stone, and teaches the difference between passion and possessiveness, between ardor and anger, and loving someone and dominating them.

Malachite also is a powerful ally when it comes to breaking habits—something that Scorpio might need more than other signs due to the magnitude and depth of their feelings.


Sagittarius is complex, but here is a quick overview.

  • Your motto is “I Perceive.”
  • Sagittarius is a Fire element.
  • Sagittarius is a Mutable quality.
  • Sagittarius traditionally rules the ninth house of the zodiac.
  • Sagittarius’ positive traits are philosophical outlook, intellectuality, and lightheartedness.
  • Sagittarius’ challenging traits are superficiality, restlessness, and distraction.

As an alternative zodiac birthstone for Sagittarius, obsidian is a great choice—particularly mahogany obsidian. This stone is actually a form of glass, born from lava cooling into a solid form.

Sagittarius is known for being naturally thoughtful and inquisitive, and this stone mirrors those qualities beautifully.

It stimulates thought and even helps to develop spiritual awareness and psychic insight. If you’re still seeking to find out the meaning of life and the purpose of your incarnation, obsidian is a great tool to have by your side.


The Capricorn sign consists of the following,

  • Your motto is “I Use.”
  • Capricorn is an Earth element.
  • Capricorn is a Cardinal quality.
  • Capricorn traditionally rules the tenth house of the zodiac.
  • Capricorn’s positive traits are stability, security, and reliability.
  • Capricorn’s negative traits are inflexibility, stubbornness, and unfeeling.

Clear quartz crystal is one of our favorite stones, and its icy clarity makes it an excellent alternative zodiac birthstone for Capricorn. Known for their cool demeanor, dislike of open displays of emotion, and their adherence to tradition and detail, Capricorns will find clear quartz to be their perfect match.

This crystal comes in a myriad of shapes, terminations, clusters, and markings and can be programmed for nearly any purpose.

Quartz is the stone to reach for when you’ve got a specific goal in mind — and anyone who loves a calculating Capricorn will know how goal-oriented they are!

Read this next: Everything You Need to Know About Quartz


The Aquarius sign is defined by a few things,

  • Your motto is “I Know.”
  • Aquarius is an Air element.
  • Aquarius is a Fixed quality.
  • Aquarius traditionally rules the eleventh house of the zodiac.
  • Aquarius’ positive traits are intelligence, openness, and humanitarianism.
  • Aquarius’ challenging traits are unpredictability, unconventionality, and aloofness.

Silver is the mineral totem of the Aquarius zodiac sign, and there’s no better stone masquerading as silver than pyrite—also called “iron pyrite,” or “fool’s gold.” Many Aquarians are drawn to the field of technology, and one of the qualities of pyrite is to filter out environmental toxins, such as those from computer monitors or other electronic devices.

Pyrite also guards against being fooled, and Aquarians pride themselves on their powers of discernment and their keen observation skills.

Pyrite also lifts the mood, and a low mood does happen when Aquarians feel that society has disappointed them.


A quick overview of the Pisces sign,

  • Your motto is “I Believe.”
  • Pisces is a Water element.
  • Pisces is a Mutable quality.
  • Pisces traditionally rules the twelfth house of the zodiac.
  • Pisces’ positive traits are intuitiveness, creativity, and spirituality.
  • Pisces’ challenging traits are escapism, delusion, and dependence.

A stone that works as an alternative zodiac birthstone for Pisces is the beautiful turquoise. This shouldn’t be confused with dyed howlite, which some unscrupulous vendors will sell as turquoise—and it’s interesting because delusion is one of the issues that some Pisces struggle with.

The color of this stone resonates with Pisces’ Watery element. Turquoise is a good luck stone, but it also lifts despondent moods and soothes panic, something that Pisces may be prone to experiencing.

It also stimulates the Throat chakra, so that wisdom and understanding might easily be shared with others.

Grab Hold of Your Alternative Birthstone Today

Birth signs and stones are connected. With that said don’t feel stuck with just one and try an alternative like those talked about here.

The best way to use these crystals is to hold onto them or simply have a piece nearby—whether that is in your home, on your desk, or you might even consider wearing it. Hold one in your pocket or get a beautiful stone necklace or bracelet.

Time to get lucky!

Related article: The Luckiest Day of Your Week, According to Your Zodiac Sign

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