5 Things That Are Actually EASIER to Do During Mercury Retrograde

mercury retrograde

Well, it’s time for another Mercury retrograde again, but before you get too nervous, let us deliver the good news before this transit arrives.

There are actually things that become easier to do during the three or four weeks when Mercury, the speedy planet of communication, goes retrograde, so breathe a sigh of relief!

Sometimes we need to look back in order to see how to proceed with clarity and take the steps that will create a stable future. Looking back on the past is easier during a retrograde, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll all be crying over past lovers or re-living painful memories; retrogrades are more about learning from our experiences and learning the lessons we need to learn so we can mature.

In a more practical sense, we can actually get a lot done during a Mercury retrograde, and things we often don’t enjoy may seem more appealing.

There are the usual things that most people associate with a Mercury retrograde: electronics malfunctioning, miscommunications, and delayed travel plans. Accept that Mercury retrograde is just not a time for making big decisions or moving forward, and instead, put your energy towards more productive endeavors.

Here are 5 Things that are Easier to do During Mercury Retrograde

1. Organizing & Cleaning

If you are an artistic, a busy human, or tend to be a little bit scatterbrained (we’re looking at you, Air signs), you’ll find during a Mercury retrograde that you have the itch to clean, organize, and get rid of clutter in your home.

Retrogrades aren’t always going to make messes of your life. You can actually use their reflective, manic energy for progress and productivity. Whether it’s your budget, your garage, or that pile of “important” papers you’ve been stuffing in your desk drawer during Mercury retrograde, you can get excited to break out the paper shredder and cleaning supplies.

2. Getting Over Your Ex

If you’ve been struggling to stop thinking about a past lover or crush, it’s actually easier to let these feelings go during Mercury retrograde.

Retrogrades bring on times of reflection. You’re better able to find closure and let go of the negative feelings you may have been holding onto about how things ended. Sometimes we need to find peace with our past before we can move into a positive future.

During a retrograde period, you can see your role in past relationships more clearly, allowing you to shift your behaviors in the future.

3. Relaxing

If you’re a hard worker who tends to put your goals before literally everything else, you may put relaxing on the back burner a lot. Well, during Mercury retrograde, you’ll be able to recharge your batteries and get into a restorative state more easily.

Because retrogrades typically bring slower, heavier energy, you’ll find yourself more open to unstructured rest time. You need time to chill and listen to your body so you can get clear about what it needs. Mercury retrograde is a great time to make your bed extra comfy and allow yourself to sleep in on the weekends. It’s also a good time to take relaxing walks in nature or just enjoy the smell of flowers and the sounds of your favorite music.

It’s essential to relax to let creative energy flow, and it can help us find easier solutions to things in our lives. Bonus, relaxing reduces stress and improves our overall well-being.

4. Releasing Bad Habits

Mercury retrogrades are a great time to notice habits have crept into your life and give them the boot. You can now see your own thinking patterns with more clarity and will be able to identify any negative thought patterns that are holding you back from being truly joyful and free in your day-to-day life.

Sit with a journal during Mercury retrograde and review how you’ve been feeling, how you’ve been vibing, and if you can change your intentions and attitudes to make your energetic vibration go up. Look at how you’ve been thinking about yourself and let go of negative self-talk.

5. Revamping Life Goals

Finally and perhaps most important of all, take time during Mercury retrograde to re-assess and revise your goals. Step back and look at your approach to what you’ve been working towards. It is easier during this time to recognize how to correct any errors or maneuver yourself back in alignment with your soul.

It’s healthy to assess your goals and see if they are still relevant. Sit with your journal and write freely about how you feel about your goals and dreams and your approaches to them.

Embrace Mercury Retrograde

It’s especially important during a retrograde to tune into your intuition as often as possible. Mercury retrograde can and will slow us down, so don’t try to force anything right now.

While we are reviewing our past patterns and experiences, we don’t have as much energy to focus on making sound decisions for our futures, but if we are patient, we can make better decisions once we’ve come to the realizations that can be discovered during a Mercury retrograde.

Don’t get frustrated if the things you’re working towards don’t get off the ground this month; instead, do some soul healing and get back in touch with what is most important to you. Use Mercury retrograde to fuel and feed your passion, and you’ll be fully ready to move forward when this retrograde concludes.

Related article: Your Ultimate Guide to Sun Signs

About the Author

Picture of Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. You can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.

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